Thursday, December 30, 2004
Compassionate Consevative
Michael Butler

There is no need for a question mark. What a lie when George W. Bush called himself a compassionate conservative. His arrogance and lack of feelings of compassion showed themselves again with his lack of reaction to the tragedies in the Indian Ocean.

It took him days to break from his vacation to make a public statement of concern. That was lacking in warmth or feelings.

Our first official response was a niggardly contribution of 15 million dollars. The reaction of dismay from the UN forced the administration to up the ante to 35 million. Still this right off was surpassed by Australia and Spain.

I know America has a terrible reputation of being the Scrooge of foreign aid (unless it is in US armaments) however this is a terrible mark on our reputation. We are spending billions on an invasion of questionable repute.

Few of us find this acceptable but we elected him. We, our children and grandchildren will feel the effects of this lack of compassion for the rest of the world.

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