Tuesday, January 04, 2005
Spin About Compassion
“Repairing America's image
Bush asks his dad and Clinton to lead a fundraising appeal among U.S. citizens, who so far have donated about $100 million to tsunami relief.

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By Julian Borger and John Aglionby

Jan. 4, 2005 |

George W. Bush Monday recruited two former presidents, his father and Bill Clinton, to launch a joint appeal to the American people for emergency donations to victims of the Indian Ocean tsunami.

They stood side by side in the White House's Roosevelt Room as Bush told reporters: "We're here to ask our fellow citizens to join in a broad humanitarian relief effort. In the coming days, Presidents Clinton and Bush will ask Americans to donate directly to reliable charities already providing help to tsunami victims. In this situation, cash donations are most useful, and I've asked the former presidents to solicit contributions both large and small. I ask every American to contribute as they are able to do so."

It is interesting that Bush is trying to pass the buck to the American people-giving the impression that he has to defend Americans being charitable. Another spin to cover up the fact that the administration originally offered $15MM and was shamed into increasing to $35MM and now to $350MM.


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