Saturday, February 26, 2005
Answers To Bette

Many subjects - short answers

> Aloha Michael:
> I'm not sure you'll receive this as we're having a dreadful time with our
> verizon e-mail as are a number of people on Kauai!!!
> Mahalo for sending your blog, it's impressive, there's so much information it
> will take time to absorb all of it.
> However, here are a few comments. I'm interested on how "spirituality" is
> defined, and I'm not sure I understand "not preaching religion, but pleading
> spirituality?" For me the Christ is always there, like the sun, even though
> it's behind clouds I know it's there, or like a drop of water that is one with
> the ocean. From this infinite source all human needs can be met if one taps
> into it. It's always there.

To me spirituality is recognizing that there is a 'force' for belief in ethical life. Now the problem is how one decides what is ethical. Religion is supposed to do that. Unforunately most organized religions have been opted or taken over by political forces to dominate others.

>globalization is here to stay, however, I
> dislike the idea of global socialization.

The positive side of globalization was to free markets so that world supplies would come from sources which would help developing countries while at the same time lower the prices to consumers. Agricultural products are prime examples ex. cotton and sugar.
It has not always, in fact mostly, worked that way as powerful lobbies have had the politicians in their thrall.

>As for foreign aid, I have some
> grave concerns as to where the money goes. For example, Indonesia is a
> country I love and where we've wandered about, when doing so I witness women
> doing laundry and the dishes in the river and streams all over the country,
> which made me wonder where US aid goes, and I've decided it doesn't get by
> the front desk.

You are right on, most aid lines the pockets of the local rulers. Our system of aid has been for years tied to influence and domination of the recipients. Another example is aid given to countries with powerful lobbies in the US. For instance the former is Egypt and the latter Israel. America has had a shameful record in comparison to most countries. Our share of GDP which goes to aid is one of the lowest in the world. Except for items supplied by the MIC's (Military Industrial Complex).

>Basically I'm a positive thinker and tend to put my energies
> into solutions that work for the betterment of all.

Keep it up - much needed

> Have you read "I Dreamed of Africa?"

No, I am a multiple reader, currently "The End of Faith', "America's Right Turn", "God's Politics"

> A hui hou, Bette

Irie, Michael

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