Wednesday, February 02, 2005
More On Merchants of Death
Bette from Hawaii reponded to the armaments article,
'I find the military industrial complex a challenge. Oklahoma City, Tucson and here (some of the places I lived) have big military bases. Any time anyone hinted at closing or downsizing there was an horrendous response. Obviously these bases contribute enormously to the economy of each community. Here I think the Pacific Missile Randy Facility is the second largest employer on the island. There are only about 80 Navy stationed here, but about 800 go to work on base every day (private contractors) not to mention all the consultants etc. that stay at hotels, etc. I think military props up the economy! But selling and dealing in arms seems to be a big part of the economy of a number of other nations?'

Those community responses are very real. As usual the politicians are able to use fear to stimulate these reaction. We have such a short term approach to most of our problems. We also have the same short term attitude about earnings. This timing approach creates all sorts of problems. The long term approach of building sound entities is no longer fashionable.

So let us approach the bases closings on a long term plan. We have many projects which will take time. Just consider the critical drive for a replacement of oil. That is going to take time. The politicians could create a long term plan, for example 10 years to phase out the bases. We don't need the short term.

Remember the Savings and Loan debacle. The situation was created by new laws relaxing of regulation. When it got out control Congress took a knee jerk, short term reaction. This made the situation worse.

The armament business is major in many countries. The USA is by far the largest world supplier. Selling so much armaments to hot areas with military cliques who would rather have the hardware, and in many cases the bribes, than give the people better infrastructure or oppurtunities.

Carpe Diem

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