Thursday, February 10, 2005
Render unto Caesar...
...What is Caesar's and render unto God what is God's.
Recently we have had a plethora of mentions that America was founded by people escaping religious persecution. For this reason we are told our country is the most religious country in the world. It is interesting that economic reasons, those of better opportunity, are rarely given equal credit.

Our founders clearly established the separation of church and state. Presumably they were concerned about the possibility of religious bodies becoming controlling factors in government. This did not mean they lacked a respect or even a love of God. Our forefathers were spiritual people. They simply felt that politics and religion should not be joined.

We are now witnessing the rise of the 'religious right' increasing power in our government. Using fear the present administration has 'put the fear of God' into a coercive force to influence political events and policies. The term 'moral values' has been co-opted by fundamentalists to serve their extreme points of view. This has entered domestic and even foreign policy. In many ways ignoring the existence of other religious philosophies.

It is important that we realize that we are one part of a small world. A world rapidly shrinking in size. A world increasingly interactive which desperately needs compassion. Such hubris on our part can only lead to our own peril.

Michael Butler

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