Friday, March 25, 2005
Last night I saw Downfall, the Oscar nominated German film about the end of Adolph Hitler. It is in German with English subtitles. A bit long but basically a superb film. I cannot recommend it more. You should try to see it.

We have all seen, ad naseum, films about or showing Hitler. Most have been either demonstrations of his monstrosity or his popularity. Examples of extraordinary showmanship abound.

This film is quite different. It portrays him and others through the eyes and voice of his former personal secretary the last days of der Fuhrer. The film portrays more of the human side of Hitler than before. His descent into a dissolutionary state of near madness is tempered by momentary kindness and concern for others. A most surprising portrayal is the slavish adoration shown by so many in the face of certain reality of their perilous situation.

What I got from the film was a feeling of sadness, deep sorrow over the death and destruction brought about by war. I think most of understand the causes which allowed Hitler to rise to power. We can see in our own country certain warnings of steps in the erosion of freedom which have great similarity to the German situation after WWI.

At the end of the film we are advised as to the outcome of many of the principal characters portrayed. In addition we are reminded of the death of 50 million people and 6 million Jews. It makes one shudder to think of such facts. How such a human monster could exist. Realize that Hitler was surpassed by Stalin and Mao in humans murdered. How can any religions allow this to happen? When will our country cease to be the major armament supplier to the world? What is the end result of violence!

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