Saturday, June 11, 2005
Query From Overseas
From overseas you ask about the political scene in the USA. Also you want to know about why some are talking about leaving America.

A simplistic answer but here goes.

Our political parties are the problem. Not having a parliamentary system we only have two parties. It is always a two horse race. The politicians are pandering to the money, which has become so necessary to wining; it is hard to blame them. Democrats or Republicans, either is just about the same.

The Democrats, as a party, are in disarray. They have little to offer. So many have/are deserting their ranks. They have always been fractious as there are different factions within their membership.

The Republicans are basking in their accomplishments of their decades of planning the current coup d'etat. Of course the real story there is the discipline of the radical religious right who have taken over the control of the GOP. Moderate Republicans are fighting for their lives against the American Taliban.

Where are the leaders? We have destroyed heroes for celebrities. That is part of the tragedy as we have made politics so nasty that few of our peers want anything to do with it.As de Tocqueville and later Churchill said,"You get the politics you deserve"

Going to a foreign country or spending much time away has an attraction. That is, in another country one does not care so much about the system. One does not vote. One can maneuver to get most things desired. In particular if you have money. No matter how little one may have we are for sure financially better off than the majority of the world.

Here in the USA exist great frustrations. It is so easy to opt out if you feel you can't do anything. That is the reaction of the young. The current electoral system is a two-way race. Usually fixed, for sure the last two elections were stolen. We are heading for a theocracy in the US. The only thing, which may happen, is that things will get so bad that we will have a situation similar to the era of 1968.

Of course that was almost Civil War

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