Friday, July 29, 2005
Life's Too Short
God, those days give me a glow of joy and longing.
The world was so great. And so were we! All of us!

A favorite signature of mine. It sure comes to mind often these days. I have spent the month of July with a virus. I asked the doctor, "why are summer colds so bad?" He said, "Because people do not pay enough attention to them!", which has caused me to cancel almost all events. For sure the parties have gone by the wayside. The gym has stopped. Only yesterday have I resumed the bike and now half time. So you can imagine I haven't been in the rosiest of moods. I have only seen Liam aka GooBear, my grandson, once this month and haven't gone to a movie with Adam. I even cancelled my nephew's birthday party.

Meanwhile the outer world is there to cheer me up. Elections in Florida and Ohio, 9/11 Mysteries at the Pentagon, Killings in Iraq, the Patriot Act, Rovegate, Roberts nomination to the highest court of the land, we are told to send Bolton to the UN, the raped environment is buckling with some of the hottest days in history, and the energy bill has passed to give Halliburton, Cheney's company another largesse. The Downing Street Memos have disappeared from the press as does anything which can be a distraction is fed to them by the Bush spinmeisters.

It is enough to make one sink deeper in despair. Don't email me the items I have missed. I know they are myriad and will just make me more depressed. I keep thinking about the world we are leaving to our children and grandchildren. And now we are being presented with another fear, "The Yellow Peril', i.e. China as a threat, when we should be doing everything possible to co-exist on a friendly basis with them.

So what do I do? Can't smoke some herb as my lungs wont like it. I dwell on the 60's and the Great Times. On Sundays I go to a church. It starts at 10am and goes for 4 hours. It is called, Here in LA you can hear it on 66.5 FM. You might be able stream it. It covers known and unknown works of those great icons of our times when we had hope that the world would become a place of Peace and Love.
Last week, amongst others, I heard Silly Love Song and Remember Today

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Message From London
Our Larger Middle Eastern Problem
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Query From Overseas
Well Off and Homeless - A Paradox
Arrogance, Ignorance, Oil and the Word of God

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