Sunday, January 15, 2006
In Search For An Answer
I have been chastised for coming out against Extremism. I find it difficult to change that position. I reason that extremism genders fear. Fear seeks security as a remedy. Notwithstanding FDR's "You have nothing to fear except fear itself", fear is being used by the Bush administration as an excuse for a myriad number of questionable acts. It also is an easy cover for incompetence and corruption beyond anything in recent memory.
We don't need extreme acts as much as we need clear, comprehensible proposals as to what to do with the problems we face. Iraq, Afghanistan, Health Care, Oil-dependency, War, Terror, the new Apocalypse horsemen DeLay, Abramoff, Rove and Reed; NSA wiretaps, FEMA, Cronies, the Porter Goss CIA, mis-Packing the Supreme Court, Constitutional Crisis, Infrastructure, Education, Theocracy, Global Warming, an outraging Deficit, 'Signing Statements' (Bush betrayal of McCain). Would you like to continue? There are I am sure many other items you would add to the list. But the point is, what is our side, the Opposition proposing? They are just complaining and many are indulging in extreme acts. No wonder so many people say politicians are all the same. K Street owns the lot. The Reds get the loot and the Blues want it.
While I really can't forgive the Gang of Four (Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice) for putting us in such plight, I question the effectiveness of extreme attacks against their acts. Why not continued Rove-like broadcasting of our positions without extremism or crudity? Recently I have received satirical poster casting Bush and Cheney as the two "Brokeback Mountain" cowboys. I laughed and then I was sad. Here was a great love story being lampooned by two who have show so little compassion or love.
I am certainly not a bleeding liberal. I feel much at home in the Libertarian camp of the socially progressive and fiscally conservative. I also believe that the Hippy philosophy continues to offer something to our time. I was the only person named twice on the Nixon Enemies List when it was finally published in the Congressional Record . You can see why I am horrified by the Bush administration lack of compassion and fiscal irresponsibility.
I spent five years working on the Liberty Tour of HAIR with the slogan "Freedom, Peace and Love". If those three principles are the foundation of a political platform today, we would have something that would give people Hope.
Hope is what our world needs. Not fear. At a time when fascism threw the world into global war, FDR gave us Hope. When world-wide violence again threatened JFK, RFK and MLKJr., gave us Hope. That is why their assassinations are so for us to endure, still today. It is not Fear which will turn our scene around.
It is Hope.
Conflict Over Faith
Extremism Is No Excuse
Intelligent Design and Brokeback Mountain
The Season's Message
Want To Express It Again
Remarks for Friends of Conservation
Probably Our Major Problem Today
All In The Name You Give It
We All Have The Same Problems
Questions About HAIR
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
July 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
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