History Conveniently Forgotten
Some recent coverage of the parallels between the current Middle East situation and Vietnam, and particularly John F. Kennedy’s role in the latter reminded me once again of how selectively history is written, and how facts are so quickly and easily distorted. Or ignored. Or, in some case virtually erased. Often to suit certain deeply vested interests. Usually to protect them from honest – and what could be very disturbing – scrutiny, and the possibly cosmic questions that would almost certainly follow. At least for a time – after which whatever story has been propagated becomes the “accepted” version, and is almost never revisited: Pearl Harbor, 9/11, the Battleship Maine, Manifest Destiny, Dallas, etc…
In this recent instance I was again struck – but hardly surprised – by the lack of mention given to JFK’s plan to begin withdrawing troops from Vietnam.
NATIONAL SECURITY ACTION MEMORANDUM NO. 263, was issued on October 11, 1963.
Along with Jack Kennedy and his brother then actively going after the Mafia, that Executive Order arguably, and very likely, resulted in Dallas less than six weeks later.
It was rescinded by LBJ within two or three days of his taking office as President, thus dooming this country to one of our longest and least productive wars. One of which, as President Dwight Eisenhower earlier warned us in his Farewell Address, benefited only the U.S. economy, via the Military/Industrial Complex. And hardly incidentally cost the the lives of 3 million Southeast Asians.
Rarely noted, nor even recalled in the years since, I regard it as one of the final nails in JFK’s coffin.
One more example of History, once written (sigh) becoming part of the Public’s Never-Look-Back Comfort-Zone…
Tom Sawyer