Hi Michael,
Thanks for sending article. I couldn’t agree more.
We have a government full of people, and a Washington full of think tanks, that make their living playing games in which a lot of people die and suffer but which a few make a lot of money; and hold a lot of power.
We watch the same mistakes get made over and over; for the same reasons.
Ultimately, it is the problem of humans. I look at the people in the photo and you know their basic human problems have prevented any chance at some sensible resolution. “I can’t look like I don’t know what I’m doing.” “I can’t disagree with the boss, I’ll get canned.” “I need that job with the defense contractor. We have to keep this going.” “I have to get a second term; I have to show up my dad.”
Here’s my new question: What is the best things that human beings have done for the planet? Of course, humans have never done anything that is good for the planet.
Humans need a new “operating system”. “God” put us on this earth with a shitty operating system. Human history is one manmade disaster after another. Until we change human beings, positively, I don’t think we will survive global warming or ourselves. Same thing, actually.