[Mb-civic] Help Stop an Anti-Environmental Judicial Nomination

Barbara Siomos barbarasiomos38 at webtv.net
Mon Jul 19 23:01:47 PDT 2004

DEN Alert: Help Stop an Anti-Environmental Judicial Nomination
Dear DEN Activist:

I am writing today because Defenders of Wildlife
needs your help on an urgent issue on Capitol Hill.

This week, the U.S. Senate will be voting on
whether or not to approve the nomination of former
U.S. Department of the Interior Solicitor William
Myers to a lifetime seat on the Ninth Circuit Court of

This court decides the fate of environmental
safeguards for nine Western states. Defenders of
Wildlife and other conservation organizations
oppose the nomination of William Myers because he
has spent his career representing industry special
interests rather than safeguarding the environment.

For example, he helped clear the way for a
previously-rejected polluting gold mine to be
constructed in California, causing destruction of the
area's environment and a local Indian tribe's sacred

Also, in his speeches and writings, Myers objected
to the U.S. Congress' authority to protect the
environment and went so far as to call the Clean
Water and Endangered Species Acts unconstitutional.

Please go to the DEN Action Center at 
http://www.denaction.org and send a free fax to
your senators urging them to oppose William Myers'
lifetime nomination to the Ninth Circuit Court of
Better yet, call your senators' offices via the U.S.
Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121 with the same

The vote is scheduled for TUESDAY, JULY 20, so
please contact your senators TODAY. Thanks for
helping to protect our nation's judicial system from
anti-environmental judges.
Rodger Schlickeisen
Defenders of Wildlife 

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DENlines is a biweekly publication of Defenders of Wildlife, a leading
national conservation organization recognized as one of the nation's
most progressive advocates for wildlife and its habitat and known for
its effective leadership on saving endangered species such as brown
bears and gray wolves. Defenders advocates new approaches to wildlife
conservation that protect species before they become endangered. Founded
in 1947, Defenders is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization with more than
480,000 members and supporters.
Defenders of Wildlife
1130 Seventeenth Street, NW 
Washington, DC 20036


Copyright (c) 2004 by Defenders of Wildlife

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