[Mb-civic] Another Great American Legacy

Cheeseburger maxfury at granderiver.net
Mon Feb 14 09:51:06 PST 2005

Another Great American Legacy


Really, though, if you're an American, don't read this article, simply look
the other way as you normally do.

America in all its glory, all its military and political might, all its
truth, justice, freedom, liberty talk, all its grandiose, all its
propaganda, is sitting in Iraq murdering 100,000 Iraqi men women and
children so we can secure more Oil while bin-Laden is in Pakistan and 10
year olds get raped in Sudan.

There is no longer a doubt about it.

We *are* the best people on Earth.

Aren't we.............

Who else would have the balls to look the other way so consistently in the
name of God himself.

Leaders..?  Who has Leaders anymore..?  We have Entrepreneurs to whom death
and children are just as inconsequential as the next thing when it comes to
securing a profit.

Again, yes, you are either with us or against us.

Apparently the world's children continue to be counted as some of our
greatest enemies.

Allright, now let's turn to page 38 in our songbooks and sing "Blessed Be
The Tithe That Binds".

Please try to remember Alberto Gonzales in your prayers.

God must greatly love someone who has termed such things as The Geneva
Convention as "Quaint".

All the dead children love him, so should you.



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