[Mb-civic] The return of the draft

Alexander Harper harperalexander at mail.com
Wed Feb 16 10:36:03 PST 2005

I agree, Cheese, that if enough of us can propagate the truth with where possible some wit and humour ( Mark Twain rightly said there is nothing like humour to explode and atomize humbug)so as to ridicule these wretches whenever possible then every now again the scales may fall from some eyes and the momentum will gather and we might get a repeat of that so healthy outrage of the 60s. Today's craven media are of course very different to their 60s forebears and while I don't think that today's youth are necessarily less idealistic they are probably not nearly as well informed (they read less and most TV news is crap). People are fed up though - according to the UK papers the turnout for this year's election is likely to be the lowest since 1918 but I am afraid that abstention is not going to do the trick either. What the fuck - just keep plugging away at what your'e doing until you can think of something better. I can't think of anything else for the moment either.
----- Original Message -----
From: Cheeseburger <maxfury at granderiver.net>
To: "mb-civic" <mb-civic at islandlists.com>
Subject: [Mb-civic] The return of the draft
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2005 01:35:57 -0600

> Re:  The return of the draft
> Al Baraka wrote:
> =======
> That would be great, Cheese, but how do we get there from the bloody mess we
> are in now? What pragmatic steps can be taken? Just about all the
> contributors to MBC knew that Bush, Blair et al were lying to us from the
> start (ie before the Iraq war and indeed about just about everything else
> ever since) and we foresaw pretty clearly the consequences of their
> wickedness and the situation we are now in and a fat lot of good it did us
> and the millions of people around the world who thought the same way. Bush
> was reelected on 2 nov 2004 and Blair looks certain to be reelected in the
> UK in May 2005. We all believe we can see the problem and you for one write
> very movingly about it - so how are we going start solving it? It is pretty
> complicated - this particular onion has many many skins.
> =======
> Ok, I'll step down for a moment from my relatively useless inflammatory
> rhetoric that millions of people are spouting just like me around the
> planet, and go for the gusto and punch up a Real Solution.
> Hmmm...  Ok, you got me on that one, there ain't a solution.
> LOL........
> In America, at least, we are living under a relatively hunkered down
> Military Industrial Dictatorship that could care less if we want a Draft
> brought back or not, as they need foot soldiers to secure various arenas in
> the new global conquest game.
> So we're basically probably going to have a Draft, and already have a Back
> Door Draft as they refer to it, with even current military personnel
> currently suing our government for breach of contract as they just keep
> extending their enlistment unlawfully.
> Add to that, that we have a party calling themselves "Republicans" who have
> basically been hoping to turn back the clock to the early 1900's where
> robber barons ruled the world unchallenged, and such things as rights,
> votes, welfare of people children etc were basically nonexistent.
> And it all tied together in one big neat bundle means they can just about do
> anything they want.
> The only *real* solution to things such as not desiring a New Draft and how
> to avoid it, is to get about 10 million people and march on Washington D.C.
> in protest.
> However, given that we cannot *organize* a 10 million person protest march
> on D.C. currently, that offers little hope until the Draft legislation
> actually hits the table firmly in Congress, and then maybe at *that* late
> date, people will start *really* organizing "in protest".
> Americans always wait until *after* the fact about so many things to squeak
> up, and, just like now, after the fact, it is usually too late.
> But, hey, I could keep typing this crap until the sun goes down, and we
> would be no closer to "A Real Solution" than at the time I began typing it.
> But I will typing anyway.  Useless or not.
> Let's again look at the Facts, though, just to clear my mind.
> We're under a military industrial dictatorship.
> We invaded Afghanistan, which supplies 90 percent of all heroin to Europe
> and England, to put people in power who give a rat's *ss about Afghanis,
> while regular Afghanis are dying in hovels in the slums there after being
> invited back by "the new guys".
> Score one major great victory for America right there.  If the poppies that
> make heroin weren't there, and we weren't going to get a piece of that drug
> money pie under the table in the process, we probably wouldn't have bothered
> going after something called the Taliban.
> We invaded Iraq, spent about a half a trillion dollars almost between the 2,
> basically accomplished nothing except to piss off a whole lot of people and
> make them even more adamant in their "Anti-American" stances, and are now
> spreading ourselves militarily thin and need more personnel to, among other
> things, man those neat 14 permanent military bases we have already started
> construction on in Iraq, as we send drones into Iran as scouts, preparing
> for an invasion of that country with the aid of Israel, or visa versa.
> We're going to need *lots* more military personnel for that one also.
> Ok, so now that we've established that A New Draft will *definitely* arrive
> in one form or another, as we are currently under a Government that controls
> the House, the Senate, the White House, most of The Supreme Court, the
> Department of Justice, Etc, and is currently overseas invaded whomever in
> The Middle East that has oil underground who is stupid enough to let us
> undermine what little credibility they have in the international community,
> there's probably not much anyone can really do to avoid a Draft in the
> coming future.
> Bush will be in office until when, 2009...?   Geez, that *certainly* seems
> like a long time, doesn't it.
> By then we will be so deeply embroiled in various wars in The Middle East,
> that whomever inherits it won't be able to *not* continue a Draft without
> simply abandoning our military arenas on all fronts and simply pull our kids
> back home.
> We are so broke *already*, that kids of The Poor are already scrambling just
> to get *in* to the military, so they can have an income other than
> McDonalds.
> The Solution...?  I don't really know.  A revolution..?  They would just
> call out the storm troopers and they would shoot us all, so there will be no
> Boston Tea Parties anytime soon coming down the alleys of Freedom.
> A 10 million person march..?  That sounds reasonable.  All one has to do is
> organize it and implement it.  However, since Americans do not *currently*
> see a DRASTIC need to get such a thing together and do it, it remains one of
> the farthest things from their minds.
> Amazing that someone must now re-teach America how to relive the 60's and
> the political activism that was born during and from that pooh poohed era of
> long hair, pot, and hippie music.
> They have their heads in televisions, video games, fast cars, and
> refrigerators.
> They forgot that they actually have to fight to keep their Freedoms alive
> here in their own country.
> Entrusted their own well being to Capitalist Communists for the most part,
> and are now reaping the results of their own complacency, and their children
> are paying for it, currently and in the future, by coming back in body bags.
> Solution...?  Probably isn't one.  Most likely 50 years from now there won't
> even be an Internet as we know it now, the Government will have most likely
> taken that over by then as well.
> The Federalist Society.  Who belongs to that, I forgot.  Scalia, Ashcroft,
> etc etc etc etc etc.
> They believe the clock should be turned back to a time where men were men,
> robber barons ruled the world, women were to cook and shut up, and it was
> allright for children to work in the coal mines, especially when the roofs
> of the tunnels were too small for adults.
> And they are now in the position to actually make it all happen in reality.
> A new Draft appears to be merely another sore popping to the surface of a
> humongous deadly disease that has eaten what was left of Democracy, Freedom,
> Rights, etc in America.
> If one can NOT wrest the power from the hands of these current unscrupulous,
> yes, let's call them what they really are, "REPUBLICANS", then getting A New
> Draft cancelled is impossible.
> So, the *real* question is not how to stop a new Draft, but how to remove
> the actual power from these Fascists who basically now run the entire
> Federal Government.
> The draft thing will naturally follow the solution of that previous
> question.
> How to remove them from Power.
> Our forefathers would have had a *real* revolution, as they realized that
> was the *only* way to remove such tyrants, as exampled as their actions
> toward England in their original revolution.
> Today, again, however, they will just gun us down like dogs if we get "too
> out of hand", so "revolution" seems just like some nice song on some Beatles
> album I heard long ago.
> Politically remove their Power...?  While they **virtually** control the
> entire Federal Government, that basically remains a complete impossibility.
> So, then.....    What the f*ck options are we really left with.
> Well....   Hmmm....   Lemme see....
> What did THEY use to build the bedrock of their Power on, other than
> compliant treason from various entities in America, including various
> corporations, judges, medias, etc.
> Ah, yes, that's right.      Propaganda.
> They used simple Propaganda to eliminate some little thing called The Truth.
> And, the Media, it has become apparent, is in it with them.
> Ahhh...  Ok, then that leaves us with *what* weapon as a last resort...?
> Propaganda.
> Ok, but for sanity's sake, we'll say that for fighting fire with fire,
> Propaganda with Propaganda, whereas they used Lies, Half-Truths, and
> Delusional Bullsh*t for their Propaganda, we will use The Truth.
> Ok, so here we have our weapon, if this be the only weapon left available to
> us, Propaganda, or, The Truth.
> Allright, so spreading that takes MONEY.
> And that, other than an actual revolution, since political removal of their
> Power appears impossible at this late date, and a 10 million person march on
> D.C. would be like trying to get an enemated elephant off the toilet,
> appears to be the closest thing that I can come up with an actual Solution
> from my tiny uneducated brain.
> Since most "Administrations'" "criminal activities" are usually, in America,
> only prosecuted LONG after the Administration leaves office, trying to use
> legal means to unseat them from Power also appears useless, at least in an
> immediate light.
> 50 years from now, long after I'm gone, someone might read this and say
> "What is THAT crap?  Throw that garbage on the fire and hand me another clip
> for the rifle..."
> And *that* is where we're heading, as you and so many others now realize.
> So, let's see, we've gone over possible Solutions, let's just relist them
> again, for removing THE REPUBLICAN FASCIST PARTY from the Power it currently
> holds in America and its stranglehold control over the ENTIRE Federal
> Government at this time.
> 1.  Political.  Won't work.  We don't have the numbers except for a
> filibuster now and then.
> 2.  Legal.  Apparently all the lawyers in America are currently on
> thorazine, and won't sue Administrations, normally, until long after they
> are out of office.  Won't work either.
> 3.  Revolution.  No can do.  They will shoot us down like dogs.
> 4.  10 million person march on D.C.  Might work.  Can't get Americans to get
> off their butts, however, to do it until long after the *necessity* for
> doing it has arrived and gone.
> 5.  Counter-Propaganda campaign.  Might work if one has the umpteen millions
> (billions) of dollars made available to them that it would take to engage
> the current Republican Propaganda now firmly in place, with some obscure
> thing called The Truth.  Would have to circumvent the Media who is also
> complicit in the current Treason and Betrayal of America somehow.  Buying
> them off remains an option.  As Hitler or someone said, if you repeat the
> same thing over and over and over to a people, convince them that there are
> Crisises all around them, and then point at any ignoramus enemy, they will
> throw all their eggs in with you, which is basically how the Republicans
> have managed their Propaganda campaign very nice and tight so far.  Might
> work.  Need the cash and organization and brains to pull it off though.
> About 25 percent of votes elected Bush in 2001 came from right wing
> Christian nuts who have been progandasized by The Republicans as to
> everything from Gays, to Food Stamps, to Welfare, to Abortion, to Liberals,
> to Democrats, to Clinton Getting Head In The Oval Office, to You Name It.
> In 2004, the same thing happened, except it was about 50 percent of the
> votes that came from those people, and this time their actual priests
> preached them a sermon based basically on The Political Platform Of The
> Republican Party, on the Sunday before the Tuesday of the Presidential
> Election.
> Even if an anti-Propaganda campaign (The Truth) is found to be an acceptable
> and viable and financeable weapon of choice, *those* particular people will
> probably not respond whatsoever, as they long ago gave up their common sense
> for anything spoken by anyone who used the name of Jesus along with it.
> That's about 25 million sure votes the Republicans will, most likely, always
> be able to count on, as they are easily duped into any kind of betrayal of
> Democracy, again, as long as the word "Jesus" is used to frame it with.
> Other than that, I don't really see any other "solution" hanging around,
> other than "Reaching The People With The Truth", which, again, will take
> LOTS of money, organization, and brain power.  That someone has not already
> done it astounds me.
> Remove their Power, the Wars, and, consequently, any need for A New Draft
> will easily follow.
> Convincing "The Military" to give up some of their budgets, powers, and
> secrecy is an entirely different matter, lol, especially since they have
> just spent so much money on so many new toys that can broil your kidneys,
> boil the water under your skin, or put actual thoughts into your cranium.
> All put together, The Republicans, with The Military, with The Corporations,
> with The Media, it looks like one big pile of sh*t, which, again, yes,
> you're right, so many can now plainly see.
> A "Solution"...?  Well, if you can't get "The Truth Campaign" off the
> ground, there is always "Revolution" waiting in the wings just waiting for
> some really stupid Americans to dust it off.
> While seemingly extremely unpalatable now, 50 years from now, that will be
> the last option left available to anyone.
> Or we can just change our name to Palestine and keep pretending.
> Cheeseburger
> .
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