[Mb-civic] Draft

Michael Butler michael at michaelbutler.com
Fri Feb 18 17:56:55 PST 2005

Great Thanks
How about Dads and Granddads

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> Home Page   Friday, 18 February 2005
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> Welcome to Mothers Against the Draft
> Is all the talk about a return to conscription just an internet rumor for the
> gullible with no basis in fact or are there real reasons why every mother and
> father in America ought to be more than a little concerned that a new kind of
> draft may be on the horizon?
> There are few questions with more serious consequences to the future of our
> children and grandchildren than the possibility that Congress will
> re-institute the draft or some other form of involuntary service. As mothers
> and 
> citizens, we have a right to know, and a duty to find out, where our
> Congressman 
> stands on this critical issue.
> To help you keep up with the latest developments on a new draft, we have
> organized and catergorized a few of the hundreds of news stories,
> commentaries, 
> policy papers, government documents, publications, and pending legislation
> we've 
> read, and placed them in our News and Research rooms so that you can easily
> scan them for yourself.
> Based on our own research, we believe that the threat of a new draft is very
> real and now is the time to take action to stop it. If you share our concern,
> join us today and make your voice heard.
> Because the best time to stop the draft is BEFORE it starts!
> Get Involved!   
> Front Page News  
> Mothers Against the Draft
> On a crude level the draft appeals to patriotic fervorŠ.Conscription is
> wrongly associated with patriotism, when it really represents collectivism and
> involuntary servitude.² Ronald Reagan said: ³The most fundamental objection to
> draft registration is moral.² In other words, conscription assumes our young
> people belong to the state. A state that is increasingly blood-thirsty.
> -
> 'Over my dead body'
> Sgt. Curtis Greene loved the military; the structure, the stability. But
> eight months in Iraq changed him. And the thought of returning led him to a
> stark 
> proclamation. Over my dead body are they going to make me go back. His words
> haunt his wife as she struggles to understand what happened to the man she
> loved. 
> -
> The Return of the Draft
> Uncle Sam wants you. He needs you. He'll bribe you to sign up. He'll
> strong-arm you to re-enlist. And if that's not enough, he's got a plan to
> draft you. 
> The Bush administration has sworn that it will never reinstate a draft. But
> according to an internal Selective Service memo made public under the Freedom
> of 
> Information Act, the agency's acting director met with two of Rumsfeld's
> undersecretaries in February 2003 precisely to debate, discuss and ponder a
> return 
> to the draft. 
> -
> What if it was all a big mistake?
> America¹s policy of foreign intervention, while still debated in the early
> 20th century, is today accepted as conventional wisdom by both political
> parties. But what if the overall policy is a colossal mistake, a major error
> in 
> judgment? Not just bad judgment regarding when and where to impose ourselves,
> but 
> the entire premise that we have a moral right to meddle in the affairs of
> others? 
> -
> Could Your Child Be Drafted?
> The Administration denies that a draft is in the works. But, says Ron Paul,
> M.D., an eight-term Republican congressman from Texas and a former Air Force
> surgeon, "You don't listen to what they say, you watch what they do. The
> Administration says no, but what we've gotten from the Pentagon and elsewhere
> is 
> yes." Last fall Presidential adviser Karl Rove polled Republican members of
> Congress on how they felt about the draft. They said they'd support the
> President. 
> -
> Military Running Out of Troops for New Deployments
> WASHINGTON -- The strain of fighting a longer, bloodier war in Iraq than U.S.
> commanders originally foresaw brings forth a question that most would have
> dismissed only a year ago: Is the military in danger of running out of reserve
> troops? At first glance the answer would appear to be a clear no. But a deeper
> look inside the Army National Guard, Army Reserve and Marine Corps Reserve
> suggests a grimmer picture.
> -
> The road to a draft goes through an unwilling Army
> Former chief of staff, Gen. Eric Shinseki, testified before the Senate Armed
> Services Committee that "several hundred thousand soldiers" would be needed to
> occupy Iraq. Shinseki wasn't wrong: 300,000 U.S. soldiers, twice the current
> deployment, is a barely adequate minimum. But the Army's end strength for
> fiscal year 2005 is 482,400 soldiers, with only another 20,000 authorized.
> Rather, 
> Shinseki had publicly made clear that only a draft will generate enough
> soldiers to effectively occupy Iraq.
> -
> Pentagon Is Taking Steps For Longer Stay in Iraq
> WASHINGTON - As the Bush administration drops hints about withdrawing troops
> from Iraq as early as this year, the Pentagon is building a permanent military
> communications system that suggests American soldiers will be in Iraq for the
> foreseeable future.
> -
> AMA worried over U.S. drafting doctors
> Washington, DC, Dec. 8 (UPI) -- The American Medical Association is concerned
> 3.4 million healthcare workers could become eligible for military draft, the
> Wall Street Journal reports. The Selective Service System's little-known
> contingency plan for drafting physicians, nurses and other health
> professionals is 
> called the Healthcare Personnel Delivery System.
> -
> Neocons See Bush Speech As Victory
> Last year The Christian Science Monitor defined neoconservatives as those who
> "envision a world in which the United States is the unchallenged superpower,
> immune to threats. They believe that the U.S. has a responsibility to act as a
> "benevolent global hegemon." In this capacity, the U.S. would maintain an
> empire of sorts by helping to create democratic, economically liberal
> governments 
> in place of 'failed states' or oppressive regimes they deem threatening to
> the U.S. or its interests.
> -
> Medical workers face military draft
> The Pentagon will draft experienced medical personnel, including medics,
> nurses and physicians, in the event of a national emergency. The "health care
> personnel delivery system" is being readied by the Department of Defense,
> according to a report published by the Newhouse News Service, to cope with
> military 
> casualties from a large-scale biological or chemical attack. The news service
> also reported the Pentagon is considering other "special skills" drafts, to
> include military linguists, computer experts or engineers, that could arise
> from 
> other immediate needs.
> -
> Fears Grow As Military Thins
> WASHINGTON - The Pentagon's announcement last week that it will increase the
> number of U.S. troops in Iraq to 150,000 to provide more security for the Jan.
> 30 national election highlights a growing concern that America's armed
> services are dangerously overextended and possibly nearing a breaking point.
> -
> Army Reserve chief raises concern about 'broken force'
> WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Pentagon's reliance on volunteers from the Army
> Reserve for duty in Iraq and Afghanistan risks creating a "broken force," the
> reserve force's commander warned his superiors in a December memo, and he
> urged a 
> wider call-up of reservists to active duty.
> -
> Selective Service eyes women's draft
> The chief of the Selective Service System has proposed registering women for
> the military draft and requiring that young Americans regularly inform the
> government about whether they have training in niche specialties needed in the
> armed services. 
> -
> Oppose the draft? It's already here
> While most pollsters would agree that there is almost no discernable support
> for reinstating the military draft, why should the public support the
> military's policy of forcing exhausted those who already have fulfilled their
> contractual obligation to serve into an open-ended term of indentured ‹
> potentially 
> fatal ‹ military servitude? Yet that is exactly what is happening to people
> such 
> as Oregon Army National Guardsman Sgt. Emiliano Santiago, 27, of Pasco, Wash.
> -
> Pentagon Moving to Force Women into Land Combat
> The United States Army plans to force female soldiers into land combat units,
> despite current regulations and a law requiring prior notice to Congress. CMR
> has learned that some Army leaders believe there might not be enough male
> soldiers to fill the new ³unit of action² combat brigades. They are therefore
> making incremental changes in policy that will soon force young unprepared
> women‹
> many of them mothers‹to fight in land combat.
> -
> Pentagon hawks discuss military action against Iran
> Despite America's attempt to turn up the heat on Iran, analysts remain deeply
> uncertain whether the increasingly bellicose noises which are coming from
> Bush administration figures represent a crude form of 'megaphone' diplomacy
> designed to scare Iran into sticking to its side of the bargain, or evidence
> that 
> Washington is leaning towards a new military adventure.
> -
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> Latest Polls    
> If we fail to stop Congress from instituting a draft, what color should the
> draft cards be?  
>   red, white, and blue
>   pink for girls and blue for boys
>   blood red    
> Copyright 2004, Mothers Against the Draft. All rights reserved - Site Design
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