[Mb-civic] Africans puzzled by Live8

Cheeseburger maxfury at granderiver.net
Tue Jul 5 04:40:34 PDT 2005

Re:  Africans puzzled by Live8

As far as Cheesburger goes-he's caught up in too much smoke!!! Poverty and

I wish I actually had enough money to buy more and better quality "smoke",
but I don't (Richard, drive down here and give me some...)  I smoke the
equivalent of what a small mouse might, and at highly irregular intervals,
with relatively great distances apart, consisting of extremely low
qualities.  Hopefully you just presumed that since I write a lot of things
here now and then about "smoke" that I have my head stuck in a hooka 24
hours a day, and not because you actually pretend to know my personal habits
here on the other side of your monitor.

As far as poverty, hey, you got me on that one.  I'm as broke as a church
mouse.  I have yet to receive even a penny of assistance from anyone on the
planet earth, even after having begged extensively for just the crumbs from
the masters' tables.

As far as hopelessness...  I still have hope.  At least a little.  There is
not actually much real hope hanging around me, there are few options in this
time, place, and circumstances, even less money to pursue them, but I at
least hope for the world, and people like The Poor, whether I can reach out
and "change their world instantly" or not.  If I cannot have oodles and
basketsful of hope, which, true, I do not, I at least wish it on those
outside these walls.  My hope is small, not non-existent, but it burns so
very very bright.

Gee, it took me all this time to figure out I'm actually one, of a sorts, of
the literal Poor.


Perhaps the people meeting in that Cathedral will send me some help after
they finish saving all of Africa.

I have a sneaking suspicion that Hell will freeze over first.

Nor will they come to help the lady who starved to death down the street.

Nor will they show up to dig up my friend who died after 14 years in a
wheelchair typing with a stick in his mouth to try to stir up interest in
stem cell research when his brain exploded.

Well, gee, you got me rambling again, and I never even replied to any post
called "Africans puzzled by Live8" to begin with.


Oh well, regardless, being one of The Poor, I can only hope that these are
not the kind of penpal letters that accompany a basket of food to some
starving family in Namibia or somewhere.

"Dear starving African, it has come to our attention that most likely you
are just stoned on your ass day and night, stuck in poverty because you
spend all your money on drugs, and then self-inflicted a dismal sense of
hopelessness on yourself, and then out of your desperation, turned to the
world and actually had the balls to ask for help.  We have decided,
therefore, me and all the rest who love God, that you are just not needy
enough, nor deserving enough of our assistance.  We are nevertheless sending
a Jehovah's Witness around to your particular hut a week from this Saturday
to save your miserable soul.  Please be so kind as to sign all the
affidavits you are then presented with.  Your brothers in God.   Us."

I finally understand why the Sultan of Bahrain wouldn't loan me that money.

I'm just too poor.  Just like so many others.  Not quite like the dismality
and starving etc of Africans etc etc etc, but just too poor nevertheless.

>From such simple acts of betrayal still springs the hope of the universes.

Oh well, perhaps the G8 will come and save us all.

I remember living in Manhattan when Ed Koch the mayor came out one day and
proclaimed that everyone should just step over The Poor if they saw them in
the streets, as most likely they were of just no use whatsoever to a
productive society.

Millions of people believed him and did exactly what he said.

People froze to death that winter in the streets I believe.

They remain some of the classiest most noble people I have ever met.

I'm surprised they didn't cut them up and sell them as peoplecicles in front
of city hall.

For all I know, they did.

If only I had a ring someone could kiss, I could probably get some action

Who needs hope, I have friends.

Most of them have already gone to Heaven, but what the heck, at least it's
probably warm up there in the winter.



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