[Mb-civic] Chatting with Jesus

ean at sbcglobal.net ean at sbcglobal.net
Tue Mar 22 16:28:29 PST 2005

Chatting with Jesus

Minister:  Jesus, what do you think of the recent presidential election?

Jesus:  In the United States?

Minister:  Yes.

Jesus:  I don't do politics.

Minister:  But the President is a Christian. He has dedicated his life
to serving you.

Jesus:  He has dedicated his life to serving himself. That is the
opposite of what I teach.

Minister:  But he's a Christian.

Jesus:  He is an Old Testament Christian. The ancient Hebrew scriptures
say that God is an angry God, a vengeful God, a jealous God. But he is
not. Nor is he petty, nor vindictive, nor narrow minded, nor self-righteous. 
God was not made in our image. He is not insecure or emotionally immature. 
God is not like us, but in our better moments we can be like him. 

God wants his children to be full of love, not full of hate. 
He wants his children to be compassionate, not vindictive. 
He wants his children to be open-minded, not narrow-minded. 
He wants his children to be accepting not intolerant. 
He wants his children to be righteous, not self-righteous. 

This is the message that God sent me to share with the world two
thousand years ago. This is the message for which I was crucified. And just as
those who put me to death then ignored god's message, so your president 
ignores God's message today.

Minister:  But President Bush believes in the Ten Commandments.

Jesus:  If he does, then why does he ignore them? One says that "Thou 
shalt not kill." Yet he sends an army to invade a foreign land and kill
tens of thousands of men, women, and children. Another commandment 
says "Thou shalt not bear false witness." In modern language, this means
that you shouldn't tell a lie. Is there anything your president has said
that isn't a lie?

Think of the Ten Commandments as one, single commandment that 
encompasses all the others: Love your fellow human beings as you love 
yourself. If you obey this one commandment then all the other 
commandments will take care of themselves. 

This single commandment is the foundation of god's laws, the one on 
which all of the others are based. If you treat this as the foundation
of your laws, and of your life, then you will be doing god's work. If you honor this 
single commandment with all your heart, and with all your soul, 
and with all your mind, then you honor god. There is no greater form of worship.

There is no other form of worship that even matters. A thousand years in 
church are not worth a single act of compassion toward another human 
being, or to any of god's creatures. 

Minister:  But Bush has been born again. He accepts you as his Lord and

Jesus:  I was sent to teach people to turn the other cheek. He starts a
war in the Middle East.

I was sent to teach people to feed the poor. He steals from the poor
and gives to the rich.

I was sent to teach people to heal the sick. He ignores the tens of
millions people in his own country who have no way to pay for health care. And he 
cares even less about those outside his country who need help.

I was sent to teach people to love all their fellow human beings as they
love themselves. He orders American soldiers to slaughter the citizens of a foreign 
land. He brags about the death penalty. He ignores the millions 
of starving and sick human beings around the world who will die without 
food and medical supplies, things that his rich nation could provide for 
half the cost of his war in the Middle East. 

It doesn't matter who you claim as your Lord and Savior when your hands 
are drenched in blood.

Minister:  Are you saying that President Bush will go to Hell?

Jesus:  I'm saying that he has brought hell to us.

Minister:  But he says he is a Christian. People believe him. I
believe him.

Jesus:  Then watch what he does instead of what he says. He is a man
full of hate, and anger, and violence. He is an anti-Christian. Verily, I say
unto you that if he had he been alive two thousand years ago, his voice would have 
been the loudest among those who clamored to have me 
crucified. To him I would have been a terrorist.

The Bible speaks of the Antichrist. But there isn't just one, there are
Everyone who washes his hands in blood and then claims to do so in my 
name is an Antichrist. These hypocrites say one thing and then do the 
opposite. They say they love god but then they brutalize god's children. 
They say they are compassionate, but instead of comforting those in need
they increase the suffering of their fellow human beings. The Antichristians are 
those who spew hatred, intolerance, and violence in the name of Jesus 
Christ. For now, for this generation, your president is their leader.

Minister:  Then you don't agree with his policies?

Jesus:  I don't agree with his morals. He talks about moral values but his actions 
are immoral. In a world full of poverty and want, his life's work is 
to make the rich still richer. In a world from which god's creatures are 
disappearing in huge numbers, where the air in many places is unfit to 
breathe and the water unfit to drink, where the future of life on the planet is in 
jeopardy, the crowning glory of his presidency is to make matters worse. 
He is a liar and a hypocrite. Worst of all, he is a mass murderer. 
These are the things I condemn.

Minister:  Do you condemn him for using politics to pursue his religious

Jesus:  I condemn him for using religion to pursue his political agenda.
He uses religion to manipulate people. He uses religion to spread
intolerance and commit violence. And he does it all in my name. 

He claims to follow my teachings, but I teach love, not hate. 
I teach compassion, not "compassionate conservatism." 
I teach acceptance, not intolerance. 
I teach forgiveness, not revenge. 
I teach that "Thou shalt not kill" means just what it says. There is no
exception for capital punishment. There is no exception for war.
Your president lives a life that violates everything that God asks of

Minister:  But he's such a devout man.

Jesus:  If you believe that a liar, and a hypocrite, and a mass murderer can be 
devout, then you do not know the meaning of the word. Reading 
the Bible doesn't make the world a better place. Going to church doesn't
save lives or feed the hungry. God doesn't care about our devotion to
scripture, he cares about our devotion to each other. That's why he sent me here. 

Not to save man from sin, but to save man from himself. That is the 
meaning of salvation.


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"In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
   ---   George Orwell

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