[Mb-civic] "Bird Flu"

Robin McNamara olhippie at tampabay.rr.com
Mon Oct 31 12:56:24 PST 2005

I think this whole bird flu "concern" is nothing but a bunch of bullshit, to me just the drug companies & world wide 'medicine people' convincing themselves with there delusional thinking that this is going to materialize. From what I understand we are now building buildings to mass  produce Tamiflu to help supply the world, can you imagine the money that would produce from just this one drug alone and the so called  experts say that they cannot guarantee that Tamiflu will be all that effective anyway. I think what might happen is a few yrears down the road after everybody has there bottle of Tamiflu they will soon produce a vaccine & tell the world it was 'saved' becaue of thier caring & genius.


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