[Mb-civic] More Interesting Cartoon info

MLerner324 at aol.com MLerner324 at aol.com
Tue Feb 7 15:18:16 PST 2006

>From Andrew Sullivan's blog. Fascinating: 
It's amazing to me that this part of the story hasn't gotten more attention.  
The most inflammatory of the cartoons were faked - by Islamists. They _conned 
the BBC_ (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/4686536.stm)  for  a while: 
Twelve cartoons were originally published by Jyllands-Posten. None showed  
the Prophet with the face of a pig. Yet such a portrayal has circulated in the  
Middle East (The BBC was caught out and for a time showed film of this in Gaza 
 without realizing it was not one of the 12). 
This picture, a fuzzy grey photocopy, can now be traced back (suspicion  
having been confirmed by an admission) to a delegation of Danish Muslim  leaders 
who went to the Middle East in November to publicise the cartoons. The  visit 
was organised by Abu Laban, a leading Muslim figure in Denmark. 
According to the Danish paper Ekstra Bladet, the delegation took along a  
pamphlet showing the 12 drawings. But the delegation also showed a number of  
other pictures, including the "pig" one. The delegation claimed they were the  
sort of insults that Muslims in Denmark had to endure. These also got into  
Here's _the source_ (http://www.neandernews.com/?p=54%20.)  for one  of the 
cartoons: from the French Pig-Squealing Championships in Trie-sur-Baise's  
annual festival. Much of this controversy has been deliberately created by  
Islamists to polarize the world and to intimidate Western governments. Another  
reason to expose it for what it is.

Michael A.  M. Lerner 
2424 McKinley Ave.
Venice, CA 90291
310  701-6772
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