NYTimes.com: Après Le Deluge, Moi

ialterman at nyc.rr.com ialterman at nyc.rr.com
Sun Mar 5 16:27:53 PST 2006

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If you want a truly dismal, depressing read (and who doesn't? LOL), pick up a hard copy of the Times Magazine ("The Real Estate Issue") and both read the articles and thumb through the ads. You will see ads for "luxury" housing in NY, FL and other cities that START at over $1 million (but have an average selling price of over $3 million), and read about greed, rapaciousness, and condo and co-op building, with nary a word about affordable housing for anyone anywhere. This particular article tells of one rapacious New Orleans developer who is going to make zillions from people wealthy enough to afford his units, while the poor and middle class whose homes were lost will no longer be able to afford to live in New Orleans. Yes, the guy did do a few "good deeds" re the people of NO. But what comes acorss clearly is a mindset that puts money, power and position above any notion of fairness, much less nobility. Peace.

MAGAZINE | March 5, 2006
Speculator: Après Le Deluge, Moi
One man's flood is another man's opportunity to buy hotels, condos, office buildings and any other property he can close on. How Patrick Quinn is trying to become the Donald Trump of New Orleans.

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Thank You For Smoking opens March 17th

Nick Naylor, chief spokesman for Big Tobacco, makes his living defending the rights of smokers and cigarette makers in today's neo-puritanical culture. Confronted by health zealots and an opportunistic senator, Nick goes on a PR offensive, spinning away the dangers of cigarettes.


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