[Mb-hair] Today

ace ace at aceross.com
Tue Nov 2 12:05:13 PST 2004

I went to vote today....my name was not on the list....they gave me a punch
card.....I voted and they asked me to call in 40 days to see if my vote was
Unbelievable! but true!


From: mb-hair-bounces at islandlists.com
[mailto:mb-hair-bounces at islandlists.com] On Behalf Of Jonathon Johnson
Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2004 9:29 AM
To: mb-hair at islandlists.com
Subject: Re: [Mb-hair] Today

Nicely written. Let's send Bush back to Crawford.
Peace and Blessings ~ Jonathon

Jason Kane <jason at jasonkane.net> wrote:

Hey Everybody,
I know that I haven't made much of a secret of my political leanings lately,
but I feel that I have to share what I witnessed this weekend and how it
underlines how important our votes are today.
I spent the weekend in Toronto, on a mini-vacation that was much-needed and
well-spent.  In listening to local radio, I was shocked at the level of free
speech allowed on the airwaves.  My two friends and I kept saying "well,
that'd never make it on the air in the States".  Not because they were
shouting the "f-word" or anything, but because we couldn't imagine a radio
station allowing someone to speak out against the current administration the
way these artists were.
Our radio and TV stations, as well as the majority of our newspapers, are
under the stranglehold of a handful of companies that cater to political
interest groups and public officials.  Our neighbors up north enjoy much
greater freedom of speech than we do.  Yet President Bush is constantly
saying that we must spread democracy throughout the world.  What kind of
democracy allows corporations to dictate content at the level the US does?
Do we want to perpetuate this across the globe?
Eight more soldiers died in Iraq on Saturday.  A Japanese backpacker was
beheaded in Iraq and left in the street, wrapped in an American flag.  I
know that no war is easy, but this was a war we did not need to get into.
Saddam Hussein was a bad guy, but the man who orchestrated 9/11 is still
putting out more videos than Ashlee Simpson.
The popular vote is so important in this election.  I think the questions in
the 2000 election stemmed from the fact that the popular vote was so close.
If you live in New York, or another non-battleground state, please don't
think your vote isn't important.  A clear, decisive popular vote will make
election challenges harder to present this time around.
If you're do live in a battlegournd state, and you're still considering
pulling the lever for Bush, please think about how many times he's pulled
our levers in the past four years.  Bush will not mend our strained
relationships with our allies.  He will not put the working American ahead
of corporate cronies.  I can't think of a single instance where he has
proved otherwise.  Tony Blair's wife has spoken out against Bush's policies,
as has Queen Elizabeth.  A poll in England this weekend shows that Kerry
would defeat Bush in that country by a double-digit margin.  And this is
from our "staunchest ally".
You don't have to love John Kerry.  You can even think he looks like
Frankenstein's monster, if you want.  But please don't allow this President
to spend four more years tearing down the goodwill the world was preparing
to show us in a post-9/11 world.  I implore you to cast your ballot for John
Kerry and John Edwards.  We need a "do-ver", and this is the only way we're
going to get it.
If you've read this far and you still want to vote for Bush, I respect that.
Please cast your vote as well.  On Wednesday.  :)
Mb-hair mailing list
Mb-hair at islandlists.com

Good HAIR Days: A Personal Journey with the American Tribal Love-Rock
Musical HAIR, by Jonathon Johnson. For more information on the book and how
to order it, visit www.goodhairdays.net <http://www.goodhairdays.net/> .
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