[Mb-hair] Video of Aquarius

Sean Courtney dauber at banana-and-louie.org
Wed Oct 5 11:05:56 PDT 2005

Quoting Charles Preston <cpreston2 at tds.net>:

> It is so great to hear Aquarius done by everyone, it gives me that 
> home down HAIR feeling and sends chills through me. It would be great 
> to have the whole song and have it put on CD & DVD and maid available 
> to the Tribe. Remarkable job.

Believe me, I've been thinking the same thing...how cool it would be to make a
DVD of the night...of course, I have the Aquarius video, and I also have some
footage of Michael B's speech...I'd love to just gather all the video that was
shot -- I saw LOTS of people with camcorders and digicams and stuff -- 
and just
put as complete a video together as possible, even synching up 
different videos
of the same thing to give the illusion of multiple camera angles...seriously,
if anybody's interested, I'd be happy to give it a go...

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