NYT: What We’re Saying…(Rent Regulations)
Rent Control, and the Role of the Market (1 Letter)
“Delusions of the Rich and Rent-Controlled,” by John Tierney (column, June 3), portrays many of the oddities and possible injustices of New York City’s rent control system. But lurking behind that is a far broader, more serious issue. And that is the role of “the market” in the United States housing system.
Unlike the case in many European democracies and other nations, the United States housing system is almost totally in the hands of the private market.
It is a system that has produced, and will continue to produce, millions of homeless people, millions of households living in poor physical conditions, overcrowding, housing costs that are 50 to 70 percent of incomes (causing an inability to afford non-housing basics), and constant threats of displacement from market forces.
Could we not conceive of a very different housing system? One that provides decent, affordable housing as a human right, that places large segments of the housing stock in the hands of nonprofit, socially oriented developers, owners and managers, not motivated by profit maximization?
Beyond its essential basic functions of shelter and security, housing is the key to a decent family life, education, health care, employment and freedom from crime.
Is it not time to rethink and recreate the United States housing system?
Chester Hartman
Washington, June 3, 2006
The writer is director of research at the Poverty and Race Research Action Council.
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