FDL: Man Robs Bank to Get Prison Health Care
I keep looking for the one story that will galvanize America, that will show the nation that we’re a better country than what we allow to go on every day. This could be that story .. [James Verone] was unemployed, took a low-paying job, developed medical ailments, couldn’t pay the bills. So he went to RBC Bank in Gaston, and asked for one dollar. The ensuing booking by the cops would at least get him some needed medical attention. Only Verone made the mistake of asking for too little. One dollar turns out to be not enough to count as a bank robbery; Verone will end up being charged with a lesser crime. However, while in a holding cell awaiting trial, he has “seen several nurses and has an appointment with a doctor Friday.” He is free to go on just a $2,000 bond but he has decided not to pay it, in order to continue to receive care
if this story had anything to do with John Edward’s penis it’d get 24/7 coverage – i predict it will fizzle in a few days – original news story here – mab .. read more
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