Michael Hudson: Bankers Gear Up for the Rape of Greece, as Social Democrats Vote for National Suicide
<a href=”http://www.counterpunch.org/hudson06242011.html”>Hudson</a> ..
<blockquote>Socrates said that ignorance must be the root of all evil, because no one deliberately sets out to be bad. But the economic “medicine” of driving debtors into poverty and forcing the selloff of their public domain has become socially accepted wisdom taught in today’s business schools. One would think that after fifty years of austerity programs and privatization selloffs to pay bad debts, the world has learned enough about causes and consequences .. So we must ask what motivates central banks to promote tunnel-visioned managers who follow the orders and logic of a system that imposes needless suffering and waste – all to pursue the banal obsession that banks must not lose money? .. So bankers become the sponsors of absurdity – and of the junk economics spouted so unthinkingly by the enforcers, cheerleaders for the banality of evil. It doesn’t really matter if their names are Trichet, Geithner or Papandreou. They are just kindred lumps on the vampire squid of creditor claims</blockquote>
.. <a href=”http://www.counterpunch.org/hudson06242011.html”>read more</a>
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