Teenage boy blows up the house with deodorant ( UK Daily Telegraph)
A salutary tale for all those of us blessed with children…I am not sure that I would have reacted with quite his mother’s equanimity.
Al B
Teenage boy blows up the house with deodorant
By David Sapsted
(Filed: 01/06/2006)
A teenager left at home while his parents were on holiday decided to do some washing – and ended up blowing the roof off and causing £35,000 of damage.
In a freak string of mishaps, Sean Davey, 18, left a washing basket full of clothes on top of the electric cooker. He then accidentally knocked one of the hob controls, turning on one of the rings, before going out to meet friends.
The heated ring set fire to the basket of clothes which, in turn, heated a nearby bag of shopping that his sister Nicky, 20, had left for her brother earlier in the day.
And that caused a can of Sure deodorant to explode with such force that it not only blew out windows but cracked a wall and even, briefly, lifted the roof off the bungalow.
Three fire crews tackled the blaze in the home at Caister-on-Sea near Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, on Sunday evening. Firemen rescued one of the family’s labrador dogs while the other one escaped of his own accord and reappeared, somewhat shaken, eight hours later.
Joanne Bray, who cut short her holiday in the Scottish Highlands with her husband Paul when they heard of the disaster, said yesterday that structural damage to the building was estimated at £20,000 with another £15,000 needed to repair fire and smoke damage inside.
“Sean phoned me and said: ‘Mum, the house is on fire.’ I have forgiven him because it was just one of those unfortunate accidents. I am just grateful that he and the dogs are alive and well,” said Mrs Bray.
“I can’t really blame him for what happened. I would be happy to leave him again when we next go on holiday. It is just ironic that the fire was started by the electric hob because Sean didn’t actually cook anything while we were away – he survived on microwave meals and takeaways.”
Alan Jaye, the watch manager with Norfolk Fire Service, said: “The can of deodorant was left near the cooker hood in the kitchen. The pressure waves that aerosols give off when they explode can be quite phenomenal.
“In this case, the force of the blast was so great that some of the window frames were pushed right out and a crack was put in the building.
“We would advise families never to expose aerosol cans to any heat.”
Sean and his parents were staying with friends yesterday.
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