Thursday, March 31, 2005
HAIR - Visceral Connections
The public icons of HAIR are the authors, producer and director. One can discuss who was mother, father or midwife. In any case I am one of those and need to speak up for my connection to HAIR.

HAIR has been seen by more people in more countries than probably any musical. It is the most recorded musical in history. According to one source in the 70's two thirds of the working American actors were in HAIR. Untold numbers of people saw HAIR repeatedly, almost as if going to church. Back stage, off stage, fans of all description have felt its influence. Of all the legitimate theatrical productions, HAIR has the largest archive.

Every night somewhere in the world HAIR is being performed. Decades later it still resonates. Why is this? Many have felt that HAIR is message from God. They still feel that way. HAIR is about freedom. Freedom and Love are synonymous. True Love wants all to be free. The messages of HAIR will never go out of style. The staging or the design might change but what is says will forever be true.

What has made this divine work happen and continue to feed the souls of so many? It is not only the icons. It is the tribes who put HAIR together. The people who have seen it and followed its course through a most difficult time in our world know that they have been part of a wonderful experience.

I thank all who are involved and know that rarely has such a small group had so much positive influence on so many.

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Friday, March 25, 2005
Last night I saw Downfall, the Oscar nominated German film about the end of Adolph Hitler. It is in German with English subtitles. A bit long but basically a superb film. I cannot recommend it more. You should try to see it.

We have all seen, ad naseum, films about or showing Hitler. Most have been either demonstrations of his monstrosity or his popularity. Examples of extraordinary showmanship abound.

This film is quite different. It portrays him and others through the eyes and voice of his former personal secretary the last days of der Fuhrer. The film portrays more of the human side of Hitler than before. His descent into a dissolutionary state of near madness is tempered by momentary kindness and concern for others. A most surprising portrayal is the slavish adoration shown by so many in the face of certain reality of their perilous situation.

What I got from the film was a feeling of sadness, deep sorrow over the death and destruction brought about by war. I think most of understand the causes which allowed Hitler to rise to power. We can see in our own country certain warnings of steps in the erosion of freedom which have great similarity to the German situation after WWI.

At the end of the film we are advised as to the outcome of many of the principal characters portrayed. In addition we are reminded of the death of 50 million people and 6 million Jews. It makes one shudder to think of such facts. How such a human monster could exist. Realize that Hitler was surpassed by Stalin and Mao in humans murdered. How can any religions allow this to happen? When will our country cease to be the major armament supplier to the world? What is the end result of violence!

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Saturday, March 19, 2005
A Dolphin Story
Recently Cheryl, a friend, told me she has just swum with the dolphins. It reminded me to write a story I had intended to do last week. Then there was all that press with dolphins being wiped out in Florida. The supposition was their deaths were caused by sonar from US Naval submarines.

This brought back some memories.
In the 60s I went with Hugh OBrian to Miami. We visited a Naval station where they were working with dolphins. The object was to learn the dolphin language.

It was fascinating. The dolphins were located in long shed right next to the ocean. Each dolphin was kept in a small tank for some time each day. These tanks were coffin-like and were linked to another dolphin tank by a water channel. The purpose was to record the sounds as one dolphin talked to another and attempt to decipher what the sounds meant. I never quite understand how this decoding was accomplished. We were told that many sounds, including simple commands, had been deciphered.

The man running this program was Dr. John Lilly, a young PhD. who was very excited about his work. He obviously loved his charges. They were well cared for. Hugh and I were very impressed that our Navy was working to advance animal/human communication. What a benefit for the world to be able to communicate with these delightful creatures! Or so we thought?

Later we heard Dr Lilly had resigned from this program.
He claimed the Naval objective was to train the dolphins to be living torpedoes. I spent time with John Lilly in Los Angeles, equally depressed.

Check out

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Sunday, March 06, 2005
Winds of Change??
Currently in the Middle East there are strong currents underway. We need to look at the plus and the minus side. The area seems possessed by the "Ukrainian fever". The color orange is now a hue of a new age. Ancien regimes are under besiege. There is debate as to whether pacific or forceful means are the method of change. Here lies the crux of the problem.

Destabilization can bring about anarchy. Anarchy begets fear. Fear seeks safety. To paraphrase Franklin - Those who seek after both freedom and security shall have neither. Look at historical examples, the Bolshevik Revolution, the Weimer Republic, Tianamen Square, Iraq. All have resulted in authority's increase in power. America since 9/11 has many disquieting situations.

Is it going to be dialogue or confrontation? Iraq is a frightening situation. No matter how Americans react to their governments spin there is some real concern things are not going well. We have conquered a country under false pretences. We are losing the peace by ignoring the lessons of history, particularly in the Middle East. Iraq is a negative example of our declarations of freedom. Our allies in the Arab world such as Jordan, Morocco, and Saudi Arabia have had elections which they claim increase the people's franchise. They really do little towards freedom. Even Egypt is suprized by its phaeronic leaders supposed move towards more democracy.

American policy has repeatedly sponsored our hegemony over the Middle East. We are not trusted by the Moslem world. There is one area where we could change a great amount of that distrust and hatred. We could actively become an honest broker in the Israel/Palestinian conflict. This would be an enormous plus to change our image in the Moslem countries and the entire world. There are other actions we can take; however nothing would compare to the fair settlement of that dispute.

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Wednesday, March 02, 2005
More Thoughts for Bette
Aloha Michael: Another thought about education and it's about what I call the dumming down of America. Today curriculum is watered down, tests are watered down, teachers aren't paid well, so quality of teaching is watered down. There are a lot of jobs out there but we're not giving children the education they need to take them. The political ramifications are scary. We graduate millions with limited or no skills, these individuals become very easy to control politically, and have a tendency to demand endless entitlements from the government, so we move closer and closer to socialism. What happened to quality teaching, challenging curriculum, letting youngsters know they can be successful, and exposing them to the fascinating careers out there today. There's no support given on the road to educational success? How about building the confidence they need. My grandson, who is a senior in high school, is an A student, two years in the Air Force Civil Patrol Program, has TWO CLASSES a day, that's it. He's out of school by 11:30 AM. This happens everywhere, and we wonder why teens get into trouble???? Where does all that money go that is poured into education?????? The verizon e-mail problem we experienced for a week resulted in quite a backlog. After scanning a number of Civic Digests I realized how many of the articles are negative, gloomy, and critical. For all the topics that are negatively discussed, no one offers any solutions. If half the amount of energy that goes into being critical went into developing solutions, it might make a difference. I did learn some things about Ireland. I've decided in my life I like working on solutions rather than being part of the problems! A hui hou, Bette

You are right. A major problem. In many ways the root of so many things wrong nowadays. You, Bill Gates and countless others have the same concern. Education is where it is at. My suggestions are to get the bureaucracy out of education. It needs to be more local in direction. The teachers are the most important aspect. We need to back the teachers. Too much funding goes into administration.
We can all recall a teacher who inspired us, who turned us on. A teacher who stimulated us into independent thinking. We do not need emphasis on regimentation. Standardization of test scores nationally ignores the uniqueness of so many areas in our large country.
Robert Reich has recently suggested that funding should not depend on local property taxes. This hurts lower income areas and means they receive less funding. Of course this impacts on the quality of education in areas where it is most needed. Students need to be taught how to do things for themselves in constructive ways. Otherwise why not make an easy career of the drug business?
To get to the nitty gritty everyone needs to get more involved. Not just the politicians but more important the parents and the rest of the people. We are all effected by the quality of education. Raising all boats can only help in every way. Get on the school board. Be active in PTA's. Local participation is the key.
You write of reading all the negative news. In running the Civic List I have many times despaired. Where is there anything with a bright future? Well, it is right here. We are the bright future. No matter what side of the fence you are on to enter the stream of dialogue is the answer. In the past I served in many governmental ways. Should I withdraw? No one should. In any way we need to keep involved.
Carpe Diem

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Want To Express It Again
Remarks for Friends of Conservation
Probably Our Major Problem Today
All In The Name You Give It
We All Have The Same Problems
Questions About HAIR
Fury, Rage, Sadness, Embarrassed, Ashamed
Answers for Simon
"But I Can't Make A Difference"
"God said it. I believe it. That settles it"

December 2004 January 2005 February 2005 March 2005 April 2005 May 2005 June 2005 July 2005 August 2005 September 2005 October 2005 November 2005

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