Monday, April 25, 2005
Like many I awaited the election of the new Pope. It was impossible to avoid paying attention as that was dominating the media. Quite a show it was. Very hard to beat the Vatican at presentation. Few do a better job.

I was really disappointed with the selection. I had hoped they were going to pick someone from South America where clergy had led the struggle to raise people out of poverty. Well it just went the reverse. When they elected Ratzinger they elevated the prelate who was the enforcer of religious power. The Inquistion could begin again.

What we are seeing is another step back, a reaction to fear. Benedict XVI reportedly was influenced by his witnessing local student uprisings in the 1960's. He took these as threatening the status quo of the established order. Opinion various as to whether those riots in Bavaria were violent or simply expressions of youthful demands.

This is another example of the negative effect of violence as opposed to organized and peaceful actions. The practices of Ghandi and King have had greater success in making changes for the betterment of mankind. On the other hand the Yippie engineered riots at the Democratic Convention in 1968 gave us Nixon as president. One can suspect the dark forces are really pushing for violence to create reactions of oppression.

Not for a moment do I not feel that there are many causes around the world which desperately need to be corrected. The major cause is freedom. This papal election as that of Nixon and certainly Bush have not advanced the cause of freedom. We are regressing in having leaders who use fear as a method to regain or retain their political control.

The energy of youth needs to be abetted and promoted in a way to have the young realize that honey gets more than vinegar. It takes patience and persistence to achieve the freedom everyone desires. America was settled by those who sought freedom from persecution of religious beliefs. That is why church and state were to be kept separate in the U.S. constitution.

I use a quotation which says it all and I wish to repeat:

The Battle
"There are two great powers and they've been fighting since time began. Every advance in human life, every scrap of knowledge and wisdom and decency we have has been torn by one side from the teeth of the other. Every%

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Tuesday, April 19, 2005
The Demise of Elegance
I had luncheon recently with a great friend. We were in his club in NYC. The club is an establishment of great tradition. It is very similar to the clubs in London and few others in New York City. This one in particular is famous for the quality of its food.

My friend suddenly mentioned that there is no longer elegance. Clothing is no longer attractive, musical lyrics are difficult to understand. Manners are gone. People putting one another down. Celebrity is ruling the day. Films are getting worse, more violence, increased special effects. Story telling in no longer important. Good taste is rarely found. Accomplishment is only important when it pertains to money.

What a litany of woe and doom per the area of culture. I had to agree. Things are not the same. Many rapid changes in this era of short term and high speed have created these concerns.

I did reflect on the not so distant past. What accomplishment and fun we had in the 50's and 60's. Unless you were there it is almost impossible to describe that period. A time of great hope that we were going to have a world at peace. Love was in the air. After a period of cultural dryness creativity was on the move. Those who castigated hippie dress were ignoring the prevalence of great costumes. Men had rarely been dressed in such plumage, giving the ladies a run for their money.

Forever changes and we can see the swing back in culture. It is always that way from one extreme to another. Now we have the Roundheads. Remember they were succeeded by the Cavaliers.

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Wednesday, April 06, 2005
The Sea Inside
If you have a chance be certain to see this film. No, I am not starting a film critique column. Last night my beloved sister and a lovely friend wanted to see it. More than a film. It was an experience. Incredible acting, with a terrific score.
It is in Spanish with subtitles. Even with my poor Spanish I could pick some exquisite phrases in the script.

It is a story of love and freedom. It is about the right to do what we wish with ourselves when faced with a terrible situation. It is also a tale of political, governmental and religious interference. It is apropos to recent positions by some politicos.

I kept thinking about what I would do in such a situation if it was or becomes my dilemma. Also what would my reaction be if this happened to a loved one.

In this time of life when so many have passed away I either have to give into the trumpeted fears of the unknown or accept death as a part of life. What is so apparent is the declining physical abilities as you advance in years. What is the most imortant is the loss of great loves and friendships as they leave us.

The saving grace is the memories which are left by those who are no longer with you.
When those memories go it is time to join them.

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Want To Express It Again
Remarks for Friends of Conservation
Probably Our Major Problem Today
All In The Name You Give It
We All Have The Same Problems
Questions About HAIR
Fury, Rage, Sadness, Embarrassed, Ashamed
Answers for Simon
"But I Can't Make A Difference"
"God said it. I believe it. That settles it"

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