Sunday, May 22, 2005
Arrogance, Ignorance, Oil and the Word of God
We Americans are compounding the worst error made in our history. The invasion of Iraq was and is a terrible mistake.

The arrogance of the Bush administration gave us grains of truth surrounded by a sea of lies to sell this invasion. The fact that so many independent voices had been absorbed made it easier to dictate the message. The media aided and abetted this promotion. They were so cowed by the aggressive stance of the administration.

Planning exposed an ignorance of the area and its people. The assumption was that a blitzkrieg would quickly overthrow the established order. Iraqis would deck the streets with flowers. Forgotten was the terrible price paid by ordinary Iraqis, particularly children, due to the US sponsored sanctions. Resumption of the realities of life was/is a disaster. From all accurate un-embedded reports, things were better under Saddam Hussein. The DOD in its hubris ignored the State Department and other sources who had the knowledge and understanding of the area.

Notwithstanding all claims to the contrary the majority of the world is certain that this is a raw grab of oil. Hegemony over the oil fields of Iraq. An act to prevent Saddam Hussein switching from dollars to euros. Expansion of the power of the Military Industrial Oil Complex. Let us not forget the Carlyle Group.

Of course the greatest crime is tying this war to the Word of God. Allowing us to be conned into believing that is a Crusade. That we are there to support the Christian ethic of democracy. This is sold as a Holy War. Again in the unfortunate history of humanity we are killing in the name of God. You might see the current film 'Kingdom of Heaven' to get a good picture of comparative guilt between Christians and Moslems. Read Karen Andersen's 'History of Jerusalem'.

I am ashamed at the caving in, or perhaps better said, the complicity of the Democratic Party who have gone along with this war. They have created amongst many a feeling of despondency. In the name of security we are sacrificing the very principles America stands for.

We had an opportunity. We could have avoided endangering all these lives of ours and theirs. We could have saved countless wounds of crippling devastation. Treasure spent would have been put to better use to solve the many problems in our own country. We could have accomplished a resounding objective with the approval and support of the majority of the world.

We could have rebuilt Afghanistan. What an example that would have been!

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Tuesday, May 17, 2005
I would like to weigh in on a subject of continuing concern. Acquisitions, Mergers, Consolidations, i.e. growth of Corporations. Like cancer I feel great concern over the expansion of the size of businesses in America and worldwide.
Auto makers, Airlines, Banks, Media, Retail are just some of the areas currently in attention.

Both GM and Ford bonds are now junk status. They have serious pension problems. These automakers are loosing market share to overseas companies who have a greater touch with the buyers desires in products and services.

Many airlines are losing billions. Look at United which just dumped its pension responsibilities on the government-shades of the S&L bailouts. Delta may be right after them, followed by others. Yet there are many, albeit smaller, airlines profitable.

Banking M&A's have created a monster financial and political power recently successful in a new draconian law for personal bankruptcy. This law does not address those large corporate collapses so prevalent nowadays.

Media companies have become so large that they threaten the freedom and diversity of information and culture. Frequently media has toadied to the influence of governmental administrations and powerful corporate groups.

WalMart has made a habit of putting locals out of business and is known for crushing organized attempts for reasonable wages.

America has grown strong over the existence of small businesses and the strength of the middle class. What we are seeing with this movement of near monopolistic expansion is the increase of the rich and the poor at the expense of the middle. We are at the mercy of an increasingly smaller group of individuals who are capable of making mistakes which have a far greater impact on all while they enjoy increasing perks. Smaller may not be better but it is for certain safer than the current uncontrolled growth.

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Tuesday, May 03, 2005
The other night I had dressed for dinner and was leaving the apartment. I passed Mildred as she was ironing shirts. She said, "Nice you are going out. You won't have to listen to Bush." I was quite surprised when she followed that by saying, "I hate him". That really astonished me. I went out thinking of what she had said. I thought of my feelings for presidents and how they varied over the years.

FDR was like a father figure. I was too young to have any real political opinions. Truman I held in disrespect because of his using the atomic bomb, but creating the UN was great. Eisenhower was a shadow of MacArthur. Jack I was too close to make an objective assessment but when he was killed, lights went out. Lyndon Johnson I knew as tough customer but he carried through on civil rights. Nixon was terrible. Of course I would have to say that as when they published his enemy list I was on it twice. Ford was to me a fill in. Carter created for us a legacy of disaster when he pulled the rug out from under the Shah, but he left a great enviornmental heritage in his creation of national monuments. Reagan I liked him and Nancy as people but politically no way. BushI was good for the Carlyle Group. I had to like Clinton but his taste in women was bleak.

So we get to BushII: socially discompassionate and fiscally irresponsible. Hatred is not there but I sure hope someday I don't have to shake his hand.

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Want To Express It Again
Remarks for Friends of Conservation
Probably Our Major Problem Today
All In The Name You Give It
We All Have The Same Problems
Questions About HAIR
Fury, Rage, Sadness, Embarrassed, Ashamed
Answers for Simon
"But I Can't Make A Difference"
"God said it. I believe it. That settles it"

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