Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Our Larger Middle Eastern Problem
The recent election in Iran creates a larger problem for USA. In a surprise run off, a reactionary mayor of Teheran has been elected President of Iran. He enjoyed a large majority. He was supported by the ayatollahs and the revolutionary guards both representing the radical Islamic right. The urban and rural poor voted him in.
This has been seen as a vote against the corruption of the wealthy clerics and upper classes. It is also a movement towards a more intransigence religious position. In addition, it is a reaction to foreign opposition to Iran's nuclear progress, promoted primarily by the America administration.
Well, this is going to be bad for the Bush administration in the Middle East. The strategy of his radical Neo-Con cabal is dismal. However, while they have shown an abysmal perception of realities in that part of the world, they inherited a mess.
The removal of the Shah was a great political and social blunder by the Carter administration. In their naivete they ignored the realpolitic position, as FDR said about Anastasio Somoza (former US installed dictator of Nicaragua),"He may be a son-of-a-bitch, but he is our son-of-a-bitch."
Actually it is difficult to put the Shah in the same class as Somosa. Iran may have had a tough internal security apparatus but it was child's play compared to the religious terror which followed the Shah's downfall. We, along with the Brits, put him in power. If we were following the often-brutal aspect of American hubris, backing the Shah would have supported our national interests and secondarily (to our interests) saved countless Iranians from death and destruction.
Now we are the Great Satan. We have strengthened a mortal enemy of Israel. We have elevated the depressed Shia majority to questionable control of Iraq. We will see the increased support and influence of the Iranian Shia clerics in Iraq. There probably will be a civil war as the Sunni minority fights to retain some power in Iraq. Talk about dominos (our old cold war boogey) what will happen if the Sunnis throughout the Middle East are drawn into support of their co-religionists in Iraq.
The period of Oliver Cromwell would be an apt comparison. Now we could have another war in the name of competing Gods.
Want To Express It Again
Remarks for Friends of Conservation
Probably Our Major Problem Today
All In The Name You Give It
We All Have The Same Problems
Questions About HAIR
Fury, Rage, Sadness, Embarrassed, Ashamed
Answers for Simon
"But I Can't Make A Difference"
"God said it. I believe it. That settles it"
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Monday, June 20, 2005
What Is Really Obscene
Recently remarks by Sen. Durbin about torture at Guantanamo and by Rep. Conyers referring to the Downing Street Memos have both been called obscene. These subjects are minor in comparison to what is really obscene.
It is really obscene when the worldwide expenditures for armaments in 2004 exceeded $1 trillion. The United States spent almost half of that amount, or almost 3% of global GDP. This does not include over $200 billion the US spent to fight terrorism.
In Western Europe and South America military expenditures fell. They increased in South Asia, Northern Africa and North America.
In the pursuit of DWD's (Dream Weapons of Destruction) USA has a current commitment of over $1.5 trillion. The Pentagon opposes many of these programs. They are created or kept in place by the politicians and civilians in the DOD.
These are obscene in any realistic aspect of life. The Merchants of Death have gained control of the world. The largest supplier is the USA. We sell more destroying, killing material than the rest of the world combined. Our government supports this. It crosses the aisles to all political parties.
We elected them and keep them in office.
What Eisenhower warned about the rising power of the Military Industrial Establishment has become far greater than he ever envisioned. Constant warnings from concerned people all over the world have come to naught. When retiring as Chancellor of the Lincoln Academy, I sounded this tocsin. Afterwards Gen. Westmoreland was decorated.
What is obscene is when you consider the good such amounts could do for worldwide poverty, free trade, health, shelter, education, ecological solutions, population problems, infra structures-just to mention a few concerns. Not even thinking about the rest of the world we are constantly facing what a minority of politicians and lobbyists feel is needed in America. Surely there are better ways to spend out treasure.
I am not even mentioning the countless thousands killed or seriously wounded as a result of these expenditures.
Surely no God could be obscene enough to create this.
posted by Michael at 12:02 PM 0 comments email this post to a friend: