[English]&utm_campaign=0fb32507ac-November_20_2015&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_28264b27a0-0fb32507ac-93077765 Campaign&utm_term=daily
Did you ever think you would see Russia coming to the defense of Middle Eastern Christians being slaughtered by terrorists, funded by US (and 39 other countries)?
“To Forgive The Terrorists Is Up To God, But To Send Them To Him Is Up To Me” – Vladimir Putin
This article is fascinating. It may shine some light on the how and why some people can really just go on killing.
Can becoming evil have a recipe? It kind of looks this way. Killing is habit forming, once begun and desensitized.
Can they be reprogrammed to not kill? See what you think.
Fried is not a proponent of using drugs to treat Syndrome E. Instead, he thinks we should use our growing neuroscientific knowledge to identify radicalisation early, isolate those affected and help them change. “The signs and symptoms should be made widely known, so that people can spot them,” he says. When it comes to prevention, he thinks education is probably the key. And in that, at least, he agrees with his detractors.
Seven symptoms of evil:
The idea that evil is a disease is predicated on the observation that mass killers share some common traits:
Compulsive repetitive violence
Obsessive beliefs
Rapid desensitisation to violence
Flat emotional state
Separation of violence from everyday activities
Obedience to an authority
Perceiving group members as virtuous