Greece – The Refugee Crisis and the Horror of Europe | Global Research


August 2, 2015
Our 70th Anniversary Homework: Confronting the Myths and Learning the Lessons of Hiroshima and Nagasaki | Common Dreams


August 2, 2015
Julian Assange: the Untold Story of an Epic Struggle for Justice


August 2, 2015
FOCUS: I’m Sick and Tired of This


August 2, 2015
Incongruities in the News:   Information Clearing House – ICH


August 2, 2015
Iran Has Signed A Historic Nuclear Deal – Now It’s Israel’s Turn :   Information Clearing House – ICH


August 2, 2015
The Greek Crisis – What You’re Not Being Told

Wow, 90% of the Greek debt is the private banks not the country!! We have not really had this explained in the MSM. Want to know why?

To pay the private bank debt the plan is to take the peoples pensions and taxes. This however is not unusual. This is how the world is run by the elite.
Every 20 years or so a tragedy has to occur to strip the wealth of the people. There is no real profit in war for them, however it does allow looting to maintain subservience.
This way the people never gain enough power to oppose them.
Does this not look like a take over by the bankers/elite and putting people into poverty and submission? This is the desired result.

What will happen in the US when they perform this maneuver? We have already seen it in how our market crashes are handled.
The Fed printed more money than has ever been seen, putting the debt on the American people, and gave it to their banks here and abroad.

A high number of independent banks were swallowed up by the big banks at that time, thanks to the Fed. This control is truly perfected in America by being able to print money.
By printing more money you essentially are stealing the wealth by diluting the value of their money.
Did you know Fanny and Freddie are in trouble again…for doing the same thing, again. Controlled crashes for looting and control purposes.
It has worked for a very loong time, and it continues to work well.

August 1, 2015
Why Russia Shut Down NED Fronts  :   Information Clearing House – ICH


August 1, 2015
“Bomb Iran” Plan Simply Won’t Go Away :   Information Clearing House – ICH


August 1, 2015
ALEC Behind Recent Push For Mandatory Vaccination

So who is ALEC? You need to know! They are writing and submitting 1000 bills via their politicians annually, and getting 20% into law. There is one goal in mind, corporate domination.
Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible. . . .

August 1, 2015
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