The Causes Of Illness According To Edgar Cayce

From the 1930’s. Considering the time frame this is some amazing information.
If we knew all this before Big Pharma, how did we lose all this information that we are only now discovering anew?

February 25, 2015
9 Concepts Kids Should Learn About Health That They’ll Never Learn In School

Ain’t it the truth!

February 24, 2015
US Faces Worst Droughts in 1,000 Years

February 22, 2015
Why A Magnesium Deficiency Is “Invisible” & How It’s Affecting Your Health Right Now

Here is what Bill Altmiller writes:
Even back in the early 90’s the estimated deficiency was 80%. I find it difficult to believe it is not 100% at some level in everyone who not supplementing eating organic and detoxifying.
It is difficult to be aware if you have a deficiency without proper testing or if symptoms finally begin to show up. You could be functioning quite sluggishly and not realize why.
There is a list below of symptoms.

Roundup/glyphosate interferes with the absorption of many micronutrients one of which is magnesium. Roundup/glyphosate also damages the intestinal tract further interfering with the ability to achieve healthy to optimal levels. Today many use magnesium oil or lotion on the skin to bypass the intestinal track to get healthy levels, while others must have intravenous infusion’s at their physicians.
Be sure to add some to your dietary regime.

February 22, 2015
How Exercise Affects Your Genes, and More

We are made to move to maintain health. If you do not move you will get sick. It is that simple.
Story at-a-glance

Brief, vigorous exercise causes immediate structural and chemical changes in the DNA molecules within your muscles that benefit your health
Endurance training also produces beneficial genetic changes that play a role in energy metabolism, insulin response, and muscle inflammation
Increased blood flow from regular exercise adapts your brain to turn different genes on or off; many of these changes help protect against diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s

February 22, 2015
To Save the Planet, Eat Less Meat, Report Urges | Common Dreams

February 20, 2015
36 Natural Alternatives for Infection

There are many other alternatives. Optimizing health works wonders for lot’s of stressor’s.

February 19, 2015
How turmeric kills cancer and how to optimize curcumin absorption

How turmeric kills cancer and how to optimize curcumin absorption

February 12, 2015
Have Antibiotics ‘Shut Down’ Your Immune System?

80% of your immune function is located in your gi tract. The bacterial organism’s that live there must be healthy for the immune system, and truly the entire body, to operate efficiently.
Antibiotics are designed to kill bacteria, even good ones. Once these good bacteria are damaged by antibiotics they may not recover without colony reestablishment. Roundup also damages these good bacteria while growing toxic one’s such as, clostridia diff. and salmonella. This means that between the two things, good bacteria are eradicated, and bad bacteria grow and create illness in multiple ways. How is the immune system supposed to function, especially in the very young?
To replenish the gi tract consider Prescript Assist 1 or 2 capsules a day as directed. It has 39 strains of, no histamine producing, probiotic bacteria, with prebiotics. It is ok to use with your existing probiotics as well for extra effect.
Eat organic and detox daily.

February 11, 2015
Why Geoengineering Is “Untested and Untestable” – Naomi Klein

February 10, 2015
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