This is big news! Please be aware that Non-Steroidal anti-inflammatories are the 14th leading cause of death in America, due to gi tract, liver, and kidney damage!
They are also one of the most popular medicines generating billions from worldwide distribution.
The Motrin dose studied used 400mg 2 times a day.
Turmeric is a healthy, non toxic alternative. You do have to find the dose that works for you though.
Always use organic turmeric. The dose studied was about 1/8th of a teaspoonful 4 times a day to reach 2000mg total.
A teaspoonful is 5000mg typically for reference sake, and Turmeric is 3.14% curcumin.
Special turmeric with 95% curcumin has been studied for it’s anticancer properties as well. This also illustrates that higher doses of turmeric are not only safe, they have more health properties as the dose increases.
7,500 mg Was studied by Sagar, S. M., et al. Natural health products that inhibit angiogenesis: a potential source for investigational new agents to treat cancer-Part 2. Curr Oncol. 13(3):99-107, 2007.Cancer adjuvant dosage (using turmeric extract standardized to contain 95% curcumin) – upper end of range
Only in America do we use toxins and known poison’s as cleaners in our houses.
In Europe things are a bit different. Here is another non toxic set of ideas.
Vinegar, being a mild acid is capable of doing many things.
Anyone who has not vaccinated their children already know this. Would it not be great to see this headline, instead of one threatening to put you in jail for preventing your children from being maimed with a vaccine.