Pope Joan

Friend of Conservation


Friends of Conservation (FOC) was founded in 1982 by Jorie Butler Kent and her husband Geoffrey to conserve wildlife and natural habitat in Kenya's Masai Mara National Reserve and other areas in East Africa. FOC's work includes conservation and education projects not only in East Africa, but the U.S. and U.K. as well. FOC is committed to preserving Africa's endangered species and their unique ecosystems by assisting the African people and their institutions to find sustainable economic balances between the needs of human and wildlife. Their mission and strategic programs focus on: 1) education and training for affected local peoples so they may utilize their environment as a natural, renewable resource for their future economic benefit; 2) providing a sustainable balance between the needs of wildlife and the human needs of local populations; and 3) direct action programs for the protection of endangered species and their habitat, supported as needed by scientific research.

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