Rainbow review
Martin Bookspan
WPIX-TV New York Channel 11
December 18, 1972

"There's a climactic moment in one of the songs in the First Act of rainbow in which a gravel-voiced gal sings "I'm sick of it!" My sentiments exactly!

"I'm sick of the mindless juvenile fantasizing masquerading as stage material;  I'm sick of bookless shows that have the audacity to give credit, so-called, to one or more writers;  I'm sick of collections of inane words strung together meaninglessly but dignified by being called song lyrics;  I'm sick of the rotten infestation of perversion on the one hand and vulgar religious exploitation on the other hand in much of what goes on in the off-Broadway theater today.  All these things are paraded aimlessly before us in rainbow and I'm sick of them.

"Frenzy is substituted for form in this concoction by the Rado brothers, James and Ted;  you may remember James Rado as co-author of the book and lyrics of Hair.  This time around he has come up with such deathless rhymes as "You smell worse than a hearse in reverse," or "I just met my mother in the bathroom; she was coming out as I was going in."  The music is a thorough pastiche ; a little gentle rock here;  some driving furious rock there;  some country barn dance music some other place;  and some Gospel meeting, Revival fanaticist elsewhere.

"I couldn't care less about the supposed beauty of innocence that some are sure to find in rainbow;  to me it's sick, sick, sick - and I'm sick of it!"

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