ABC = American Broadcasting Corporation (TV)
AD = Anno Domini ("In the Year of Our Lord"; see CE)
AFV = American Friends of Vietnam (Quakers)
AID = Agency for International Development
AK-47 = [Soviet-made military rifle]
ARVN = Army of the Republic of [South] Viet-Nam
ASAP = As soon as possible
AWOL = Absent without leave
AWP = Americans for Winning the Peace
B-52 = [USAF high-altitude (strategic) bomber]
BAR = Browning Automatic Rifle (US military)
BC/BCE = Before Christ or Before Common Era
CADRE = Chicago Area Draft Resistance
CBS = Central Broadcasting System (TV)
CE = Common Era (coincides with AD in numbering years)
CHICOM = Chinese Communist
CI = Counterinsurgency
CIB = Combat Infantry Badge
CINCPAC = Commander-in-Chief, Pacific
CIA = Central Intelligence Agency (formerly the OSS)
CNVA = Committee for Non-Violent Action
CO = Concientious objection/objector; commanding
CORDS = Civilian Operations and Revolutionary Development
COSVN = Central Office of South Vietnam
CP = Communist Party
CREEP = Committee to Re-Elect the President (Nixon)
DEROS = Date eligible for return overseas
DMZ = Demilitarized Zone (dividing North and South Vietnam)
DOD = Department of Defence
DRV = Democratic Republic of [North] Vietnam (Communist)
ECM = Electronic countermeasures
EDC = European Defense Community
FAL = Lao Armed Forces
FDR = Franklin Delano Roosevelt (US President 1933-1945)
FWMAF = Free World Military Assistance Force
FYI = For your information
GI = Government Issue (nickname for an American
GVN = Government of [South] Vietnam
ICC = International Control Commission
IRT = Interboro Rapid Transit (NYC)
JCS = Joint Chiefs of Staff
JFK = John Fitzgerald Kennedy (US President 1960-1963)
KIA = Killed in action
KP = Kitchen police
LBJ = Lyndon Baines Johnson (US President 1963-1968);
also Long Binh
Jail (US stockade in Vietnam)
LOC = Lines of communication
LSD = Lysergic acid diethylamide (hallucinogen)
LTJG = Lieutenant, Junior Grade (US Navy)
LZ = Landing Zone
M-16 = [US Army standard issue rifle]
MAAG = Military Advisory & Assistance Group
MACV = Military Assistance Command, Vietnam
MIA = Missing in action
MCC = Mennonite Central Committee (like the Quakers'
AFSC, this is a
Peace Church mission active in Vietnam (North and South)
since the French
Colonial days and through today.
MLK = Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
MOH = Medal of Honor
NATO = North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NBC = National Broadcasting Corporation (TV)
NCAWRR = National Coalition Against War, Racism
and Repression
NCO = Non-Commisioned Officer
NLF = National Liberation Front (South Vietnamese Communist
organization; we called them the Viet Cong, or VC)
NSC = [US] National Security Council
NVA = North Vietnamese Army (see PAVN)
NVN = North Viet-Nam (Communist)
NYC = New York City
OCI = Office of Current Intelligence
OSS = Office of Strategic Services (now the CIA)
PAVN = People’s Army of [North] Viet-Nam (we called
them the NVA)
PC = Press conference [later, politically correct]
PLAF = People’s Liberation Armed Forces (South Vietnamese
forces, we called them the Viet Cong, or VC)
POW = Prisoner of war
PRG = Provisional Revolutionary Government
PTSD = Post Trauma Stress Disorder
QT = Quiet (“on the QT” = “in secret”)
R&R = Rest and recreation
RFK = Robert F. Kennedy
RLAF = Royal Laotian Air Force
RN (or RMN) = Richard Milhouse Nixon (US President
ROTC = Reserve Officer Training Corps
ROK = Republic of [South] Korea
RTA = Royal Thai Army
RVN = Republic of [South] Viet-Nam (anti-Communist)
RVNAF = Republic of [South] Viet-Nam Air Force
SAC = Strategic Air Command
SAM = Surface-to-air missle
SDS = Students for a Democratic Society
SNCC = Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee
SRV = Socialist Republic of [reunified] Vietnam (Vietnam
STDW = Stop the Draft Week
SVN = South Viet-Nam
T-28 = US fighter-bomber airplane (prop driven)
TAOR = Tactical area of responsibility
UN = United Nations
US = United States
USA = United States of America; US Army
USAF = United States Air Force
USCG = United States Coast Guard
USG = United States Government
USMC = United States Marine Corps
USN = United States Navy
USNG = United States National Guard
USO = United Service Organizations
USS = United States Ship
USSR = Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
VA = Veterans Administration
VC = Viet Cong a.k.a. Victor Charlie, or just Charlie
(see NLF and PLAF)
VFW = Veterans of Foreign Wars
VFP = Veterans for Peace (WWII and Korean War veterans
during the
Vietnam Era)
VIP = Very important person
VM = Viet Minh (Vietnamese nationalist (and Communist)
force that
defeated the French in 1954 at Dien Bien Phu)
VMC = Vietnam Moratorium Committee
VP = Vice President
VVA = Vietnam Veterans of America
VVAW = Vietnam Veterans Against the War
VVM = Vietnam Veterans Memorial (in Washington,
WHAM = Win the hearts and minds
WIA/WIC = Wounded in Action / Wounded in Combat (warrants
the Purple
Heart Medal)
WWI = World War I (1914-1918)
WWII = World War II (1939-1945)