Current Orlok Production Projects


Michael Butler, the original producer of the 60's Broadway hit "Hair" has teamed with James Rado and Galt Macdermot, the musicals original authors. He is now in the planning and development stages for a multi-year national tour of the famed musical. It is expected to launch in early 1999 for the 30th anniversary of the production.

Current Project Status of HAIR30, The Next Generation


Noted French Canadian illusionist Frederic Clement has taken an exciting step in his exploding career. With his partners of ODG Productions, Clement has signed a partnership agreement with the famous American producer Michael Butler and his company Orlok Productions, a division of INTRAFI, Inc.

Current Project Status of Frederic CLEMENT


POPE JOAN is a musical love story based on the Dark Ages legend of the rise and fall of the only female pope. The plot revolves around Joan and the trinity of influential romances in her life: with God, with Louis (the powerful and dangerous King of France), and with Lucius (a young, sheltered Vatican librarian).Since Joan is disguised as "John" throughout the play, her relationships both defy and transcend gender.

From thundering ensemble numbers to soaring pop ballads, the music of POPE JOAN guides the listener through the very human stories it tells. Set against the backdrop of the pageantry and ritual of the Vatican, POPE JOAN explores themes both ancient and in today's headlines: the longing for a meaningful spiritual experience, the quest for means to express faith in both words and actions,and the impact of women in power.

POPE JOAN premiered in Chicago with the Bailiwick Repertory. The Pope Joan/Chicago Company had a successful workshop period from May 13-28. It is now in hiatus in preparation for polishing and rewrites. This is the first project which Orlok will present on February 18, 1996 at the new Mercury Theater. The plan is to open it with a limited run in Chicago and a short tour of nearby venues. The show will then open in New York City with a new director and cast and then tour nationally.

Current Project Status of Pope Joan

For further information about the musical visit Pope Joan - The World's First Theatrical Web Site

DRACULA..the unwillingness to leave our dreams - Opera Erotica

"In contemplation we are all capable of anything...If we freeze these moments we find ourselves enacting upon every possibility while in the process of deciding whether to fulfill or simply muse. Thus, in this frozen state everything is real."

Written by Hayden Wayne-c. DRACULA - Opera Erotica promises to be an exciting colloboration with a variety of internationally acclaimed artists.

Current Project Status of DRACULA - Opera Erotica


1968, is a new project which recently emerged from several separate ideas and endeavors. Peter Yarrow and Michael Butler recently held a symposium before the opening of the student production of HAIR at The University of Iowa this October. They were stunningly successful. Out of this came a plan to mount a college production of HAIR . This show would be toured to university and college towns giving students academic credits and salaries. We would seek a constant turnover of cast through student drama groups as we go along. The interest within student bodies for 60s information is extreme. They believe this period of history has been suppressed and is subject, like so many things, to revisionist politics.

Along with HAIR would go a multimedia symposium about the 60's. In the larger venues this show would be augmented by bringing icons of the period, ie Peter Yarrow, John Philip Law, Peter Fonda, Tom Smothers, Michael Butler, etc.

Orlok also plans to establish a Home Page, BBS and/or Newsgroup specifically for 1968 on the Internet.

This show is being structured by Charles Kaiser, author of 1968 in America.

Current Project Status of 1968

For further information on these projects please contact

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