[Mb-civic] Re: Movement in Mideast muffles critics of war in Iraq

Cheeseburger maxfury at granderiver.net
Wed Mar 9 13:50:57 PST 2005

Re:  Movement in Mideast muffles critics of war in Iraq


Well, I'm not muffled, nobody can hear me, but I'm unmuffled anyway.

The war in Iraq "results" remain to be seen.  So far we have $9 Billion?
unnacounted for.

I'm a real fan of "Democracy", although the American brand of it fluctuates
between resembling the Original Pattern from 1776 and one step short of a
dictatorship.  That's quite a fluctuation, even for a "neo-conservative",
although you'll never hear one agreeing with the facts about it.

I would be tickled pink if "the middle east" just broke right out into
unison song and became Democratic overnight.  It looks doubtful in the face
of useless Saudi elections, same old dictatorship Egyptian elections, Syria
"pulling out" "but not all the way unless Israel gives in too" which is
highly unlikely, and the Palestinians still fighting against the imperialism
of people like Sharon, extremist settlers, and real estate developers who
haven't changed their preference for acquisition of land over mass murders
in the last 50 years.

That "Iraq" is responsible for all this "New Democracy" budding up
everywhere in places where the controlling entities are still quite willing
and able to shoot anyone who gets too uppity about it all, remains nothing
short of just one more frame in the comic book.

"Was George Bush right..?"....  I love that phrase from that other article
here, lol.

It's like a hitman shoots at the Pope and kills him, but the bullet passes
through him, ricochets off a tree and saves a little girl from eating a
poison apple, and the hitman is crowned king of democracy.  Funny stuff.
Then the hitman goes to church and receives absolution, goes home, watches
football, has a nice meal, and all is still well with the world.  The planet
is still safely in the hands of the hitman.

Well, something like that.    :|

The day the Saudis and the Egyptians hold *real* "free and fair elections"
must be at least a half century away at this rate.  That is not "Democracy
is spreading in the Middle East because Bush attacked Iraq".

The day the Israelis pull *completely* out of the West Bank and Gaza and
give it *back* *completely* to the Palestinians, I will eat my hat.

At least people over there in countries ruled by dictatorships etc under the
thumbs of benevolent mass murderers are "talking" about it.  That's at least

Was it worth 1,600 dead American soldiers, 15,000? wounded American
soldiers, billions of our tax dollars basically down the toilet, the razing
of Fallujah etc, and 100,000 dead Iraqi men women and children Civilians...?

Perhaps the "little people yearning for Democracy" in places like Saudi
Arabia, Israel, Palestine, Egypt, Syria, etc now believe so.

The only problem is that we didn't invade *THEIR* countries.

The voices coming from their still dictatorial mass murderer ruled countries
would probably be a lot different right about now if we were setting up 14
military bases in them and they were still crying over their children with
no heads.

That anyone can even mildly print something like "Was Bush right...?"
continues to confirm that some humans will never rise above the basic level
of quasi-pundits grasping at any straws of "hope".

That it cost 100's of thousands of lives, means basically nothing in the
face of continued authoritarian dictatorial mass murderer rule that is most
likely not going away anytime soon, and has arrived as the basic equivalent
of a hitman holding his hands out like Jesus and saying "There will be peace
and freedom here" doesn't seem to impress them.

I continue to remain impressed by the entire matter.

Somewhere in the book of Revelations, I believe, there was a quote of "He
will destroy many with Peace".

If it wasn't Bush & Gang they were talking about, he at the very least has
all the words down perfectly.

Three cheers for the most recent saviours of the world.

The most ruthless cutthroat merciless entrepreneurs you never want to meet
in a dark alley.



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